News archive

Aarhus group wins 1st prize in national branding competition

- Important News

As part of the Youth Goodwill Ambassador Corps, an Aarhus group won 1st place for the second year in a row in a national competition on branding…

China and Denmark meet for dinner

- UNIvers nr. 13 - 2012

Apple from China has established a strong friendship with the Sømod family. And the Danish family has learned a lot about China, as well as learning…

What do the Danes actually eat?

- UNIvers nr. 13 - 2012

AU and Studenterhus Aarhus are repeating the successful "Internationalize with us" programme, which matches Danish families with international…

Top executives share their experiences with AU students

- UNIvers nr. 13 - 2012

In November the School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University hosted the Aarhus Symposium, a chance for AU students to meet and greet…

A crystal ball into your future

- UNIvers nr. 13 - 2012

Students who are about to start a Master’s degree programme can gain a clear idea of their options at Aarhus University at the Master’s Day fair to be…