Campus Gustav Wieds Vej

Below you can find practical information about Gustav Wieds Vej.

Access to the building


To and from Gustav Wieds Vej

How to get to Gustav Wieds vej

Gustav Wieds Vej 10A
DK-8000 Aarhus
Building numbers 3141 (pavilion 2) and 3142 (pavilion 3).


Find the closest bus here

Access to the buildings

Opening hours

Building 3130-3135, 3140 and 3141: The doors to these buildings are open between 06:30-16:00 on weekdays. 

Building 3142: The doors to the building are open between 08:30-16:00 on weekdays.

To access the building outside of the opening hours, you must activate your student card so it works as an access card to the building. You must type your four digit pin code followed by # to unlock the doors (once your card has been activated).

IT support, printing and wireless internet

IT support

The closest IT helpdesk is located at Aarhus Campus, Ny Munkegade 118, building 1521, room 310, 8000 Aarhus C.

You can contact the helpdesk at tel. 8715 4010 or email:


Unfortunately, there are no printers available at Gustav Wieds Vej, and you are encouraged to use the student printers with MyPrint on the other ENG locations.

Access to wireless internet

The wireless internet at is called Eduroam. Read more.

Canteens and kitchenettes

You are allowed to use the kitchen in building 3140. Kettles and coffee machines are available in the kitchen. Students must help keep the kitchen tidy and clean the refrigerators and remove old food if any. There is also dishwasher. The equipment for students is clearly marked.


You cannot have private mail sent to an AU address.

In relation to project work, it may be necessary to have mail/packages sent to Katrinebjerg from companies. In this case, please make sure that the following is stated clearly on the package: Aarhus University/department, name of recipient, student number and address.



It is important that everyone is aware of his or her own and others' safety. Always make sure to read the safety and user instructions before using any of the equipment.

In the event of fire or accidents

  • Stop/contain the accident if you can do so without putting yourself at risk.
  • Call 112
  • Evacuate the area/building if necessary
  • Call the Aarhus University emergency phone number: 87 15 16 17