A million kroner pool to boost student life after reopening

The Committee on Education has set aside DKK 1 million to boost student life as Aarhus University welcomes students back to campus.

For almost a year now, students at Aarhus University have been sitting at home behind their computer screens. Separated from each other, from their teachers and from the campus life that is such an important part of being a student.

The lockdown has confirmed that the study environment and student-driven associations have a huge impact on student well-being. The Committee on Education has therefore decided to allocate a special pool of DKK 1 million to revitalise the study environment when this opens again.

"It's so important that students can embrace student life on campus. Our many associations and events motivate them and help them enjoy student life, and we need to get this up and running again. And I hope that we can make a special effort for the new students, who have not yet had a chance to experience what Aarhus University has to offer in terms of study environment,” says Pro-rector Berit Eika, who is the head of the Committee on Education.

A pool for all faculties

The five faculties have received funding based on their number of students. In addition, the Committee has earmarked a pool for activities and associations transcending faculties.

"We look forward to giving out the funds. And in the coming period, the faculties will talk to students about how we can allocate the money to maximise the benefits for the study environment both locally and at AU as a whole," says Berit Eika.

Some projects may have to wait

She notes that some of the funds will probably have to wait a little longer until society and the university have opened up more:

"Right now, we can open up for teaching and other activities to a certain extent, but still under relatively tight restrictions with social distancing requirements, test requirements and so on. Therefore, we’ll probably receive suggestions for activities that, although they’re very rewarding, aren’t possible right now," explains Berit Eika and she continues: 

"We want to revitalise the study environment as soon as possible. On the other hand, we also want as many people as possible to benefit from the initiatives being launched. But the important message to students is that the money’s there. And I hope that many students will contribute with good ideas, so that we can reboot the study environment in the best possible way.”