Open meeting about the Senior Management Team’s decisions on 22 October in the main hall

On 22 October at 10:00 the rector will hold an open meeting for all employees and students at Aarhus University. The meeting will take place in the Main Hall and a live stream of the event will be available on AU's website.

At the meeting, the rector will present the decisions made by the senior management team based on:

  • The analysis of internal problems by the expert group chaired by Torben M. Andersen
  • The comments on the analysis by the analysis panel chaired by Jørn Flohr Nielsen
  • The consultation responses to the senior management team's proposed solutions that the senior management team presented on 15 August.

The format of the meeting on 22 October in the Main Hall will be the same as the meeting held on 15 August in Stakladen: a presentation by the rector in Danish followed by questions from the audience and questions asked via email. The only difference is that the meeting unfortunately cannot be held in Stakladen this time, as Stakladen is booked for another major event on the same date.