November 23 and 24: exam workshop for full-degree international students
The International Centre in conjunction with academics from AU, is providing a workshop for international students on how to prepare for different types of examinations at AU. The same workshop will be held twice, on November 23 and 24 from 15:00-18:00.

During the workshop a variety of subjects will be discussed. This shall include Academic Regulations, standards for academic papers, how to handle references and the rules and regulations concerning exams. Specific topics will include how to prepare for oral exams, what teachers expect from their students in regards to exams and other such concerns for international students who are trying to figure out the Danish examination system.
Additionally, there will be 2 or 3 international full degree students present alongside a Danish MSc student to talk about their experiences from different perspectives and academic areas. Here you will be able to ask any questions you may have, and in particular from a Danish student who is extremely familiar with the system.
The workshops have a limited numberso make sure you sign up as soon as possible.
The deadline for signing up is Friday November 18.
Sign up via the links below:
November 23:
November 24:
Further information regarding the workshops shall be on the IC website closer to the time.