LinkedIn (English)

A strong LinkedIn profile is all important when you are to attract the interest of a potential employer. At this event you'll get tips on how to get started using LinkedIn.

Info about event


Tuesday 13 November 2018,  at 15:15 - 17:15


Studenterhus Aarhus. Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2, mødelokale 2, 8000 Aarhus C


Arts Karriere

You will get knowledge on how Linked is used by the employers and how you can use LinkedIn as an active career tool already while studying.

We have invited Kate Dahl. She is an American expat with 4 years of experience in international, B2B customer success experience. She is an expert in finding and getting the right job, and knows everything there is to know about Linked-in and how to use it in your job search. 


15:15  Welcome

15:20  Career consultant Thomas Moeslund wil give a perspective on LinkedIn in Denmark.

15:30  Kate Dahl will share her knowledge and give you advice on how to get the most out of LinkedIn.

16:30  Questions

17:00  Thanks for coming

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