Effective job searching workshop - LinkedIn and networking

At this workshop you will obtain knowledge on how to have a sharp LinkedIn profile and how to use the platform in job searching.

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Tirsdag 3. marts 2020,  kl. 16:15 - 18:00


Aarhus, Mogens Zieler Stuen, Studenterhus Aarhus

In today’s professional world, LinkedIn is heavily used in Denmark for recruitment, job seeking and keeping in touch with your network. At this workshop, job consultant Greete Eluri will tell you how to have a sharp LinkedIn profile and how to use the platform in job searching. Moreover, she will tell you about networking. It will be a practical and hands-on workshop and you have a chance to get feedback on the spot.

About Greete Eluri:

Greete is a job consultant with lots of experience and know-how about the Danish job market. She’s herself an international and has worked in many different companies in Denmark. In 2019, she changed her career to work with her passion and help job seekers. She built up “Greete 2.0 - Job consultant” via LinkedIn by creating weekly content about job seeking and organising events, with now over 2500 followers.


  • 16:15 - Welcome
  • 16:20 - 17:30 - LinkedIn and networking
  • 17:30 - 18:00 - Questions + work on your own (Greete will give feedback on the spot)