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Disciplinary measures

Under the Act on Universities (the University Act) as well as the Ministerial Order on University Examinations and Grading (the Examination Order), the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Master's Degree Programmes at Universities and the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Universities, etc., the following applies:

Rules of conduct etc

1.-(1) During their studies at the university, students must conduct themselves in a considerate and decent manner out of consideration for the uninterrupted functioning of the university.

(2) This means that students have an obligation to show consideration for other students as well as employees, and for the university’s premises, buildings and property when on university premises or when using IT systems and digital platforms provided by the university. Among other things, this entails for example that threatening or abusive behaviour towards other students or employees will be considered a breach of the university’s disciplinary rules.

(3) Students have an obligation to comply with disciplinary and safety regulations communicated on signs, flyers or rules posted in laboratories, in libraries, in classrooms, examination rooms and meeting rooms, in cafeterias, and so on. Students who use IT systems and digital platforms provided by the university also have an obligation to comply with applicable guidelines for the use of such systems.

Handling violations

2.-(1) Students must comply with instructions and orders from the university’s employees regarding compliance with the rules in Section 1.

3.-(1) Cases concerning violations of rules of conduct are normally handled by the person responsible for the relevant room or the relevant activity, i.e. the director of studies (in connection with teaching-related incidents), the department head (in connection with incidents on the department’s premises) or the dean (in connection with cases which are not the responsibility of a specific director of studies or department head).

(2) The person in charge may summon the student for an interview about the matter and may, if necessary, issue an oral or written warning to the student not to repeat the violation.

(3) In case of repeated or gross violations of Section 1, or where it is considered necessary out of regard for the university’s uninterrupted operation, a manager may expel a student from the university temporarily with immediate effect.

Violations of examination rules, including cheating at exams

4.-(1) Students must comply with the exam rules laid down by the university, including rules on cheating at exams.

(2) In cases of suspected cheating at exams, the lecturer or the degree programme studies administration office conducts a preliminary investigation of the case. If the suspicion of cheating is found to be justified, the case is reported to the rector. A case of suspected cheating at an exam which comes to the attention of the exam supervisor(s), for example in connection with written exams, is also reported to the rector.

(3) If cheating is demonstrated in a non-individualised exam paper written by a group of students, the exam paper in its totality will be excluded from assessment for all of the members of the group, cf. the Examination Order’s rules in this regard. Pursuant to Section 6, disciplinary measures will be considered when there is evidence of cheating at exams or of aiding other students to cheat at exams.

(4) Attempted cheating at exams is handled in the same way as successful cheating.

(5) The university may use IT systems in order to detect exam cheating.

(6) In cases in which students have failed to use IT systems in compliance with the applicable guidelines in connection with an exam, the degree programme’s studies administration is responsible for investigating the matter. The degree programme’s studies administration may in this connection disallow the assessment of the exam paper.

Reporting to the rector

5.-(1) Upon repeated or serious violations of the rules in Section 1, including the requirement for considerate and decent behaviour, the person responsible may report the incident to the rector. In cases in which a manager renders a decision of temporary expulsion, cf. Section 3(1), the matter must be reported to the rector immediately.

(2) Other serious breaches of academic discipline, including research ethics, are also reported to the rector. This includes such actions as falsification of documents published by the university, abuse of data/data hacking, unauthorised use of software, violation of data security or theft/abuse of the research findings or works of others.

(3) Students who, in connection with admission to and enrolment in Aarhus University, provide incorrect or incomplete information on successfully completed degree programme elements from all previous noncompleted degree programmes at the same level, cf. the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Universities and the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Master's Degree Programmes at Universities, are also reported to the rector. The same applies to completed degree programmes at the same level, cf. the Ministerial Order on Academy Profession Degree Programmes and Professional Bachelor’s Degree Programmes.

(4) Criminal offences committed against the university, the university’s students or employees must be reported to the rector immediately (for example threats, violence, forgery, vandalism, arson, theft or illegal possession of euphoriant substances). This is done in part with a view to the rector deciding whether to report the incident to the police and in part with a view to considering the imposition of sanctions pursuant to Section 6 in cases in which the incident impacts the functioning of the university.

(5) Reports to the rector must be submitted in writing or must as soon as possible be followed by a written statement of the case in a form which can form the basis for presenting the case to the student.


6.-(1) The rector may impose the following sanctions:

  • Letter of warning
  • Annulment of one or more exams
  • Temporary expulsion from the university
  • Permanent expulsion.

(2) Annulment of an exam may take place in cases where cheating at an exam/a violation of exam rules is detected. When an exam is annulled, this means that the student has used one examination attempt by registering for the exam in question and that his/her exam paper will not be marked. If a mark has already been awarded, it will be annulled. If, pursuant to the exam rules, more than one exam must be passed during the same examination period, being expelled from one of the exams may result in the annulment of the results of all of the exams.

(3) The sanctions expulsion from the university or annulment of all of a student’s exams in an examination period may be applied in case of serious or repeated violations of the rules in Sections 4 and 5, subsections 1-4. Expulsion may also take place in cases in which the rector finds it necessary to impose this sanction in order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning or to ensure society’s confidence in the exams conducted at the university.

(4) Expulsion from the university means that the student is excluded from participation in activities at the university, including exams and all teaching. In connection with temporary expulsion, the student has the right to resume his or her studies at the end of the expulsion period. The student must contact the university in this regard.

(5) When deciding whether a student should be expelled and whether such expulsion should be temporary or permanent, account must be taken of the seriousness of the offense, whether prior warnings were issued, the risk of repeated offences and the preservation of respect for the work performed at the university.

Other provisions

7.-(1) The consideration of breaches of the disciplinary rules must take place in accordance with the rules of the Danish Public Administration Act.

8.-(1) A decision made by a subordinate manager may be brought before the rector.

(2) The final decisions of the university reached in accordance with these rules may be appealed to the Danish Agency for Higher Education by the party whom the decision concerns (the complainant) if the appeal concerns legal issues.

Entry into force

9.-(1) These regulations come into force on 1 September 2018.

(2) Rules on disciplinary measures for students at Aarhus University of 1 April 2016 are hereby repealed.

Rules on the placement of, registration for, participation in and withdrawal of registration for examinations

Aarhus University’s rules of 1 September 2018 on the placement of, registration for, participation in and withdrawal of registration for examinations

Pursuant to Consolidation Act no. 172 of February 27th 2018 on Universities and Consolidation Act no. 986 of August 18th 2017 on Academy Profession Degree Programmes and Professional Bachelor’s Degree Programmes with subsequent amendments as well as related ministerial orders, the following applies:

Registration for courses and examinations for students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes as well as Master’s degree programmes for working professionals and Bachelor of Engineering programmes:

1.-(1) Registration for a course or a course element is performed by students unless students are otherwise informed. In case of students who do not register for the Master’s thesis, the university will register them for the Master’s thesis. The time at which students will be registered for the Master’s thesis by the university is announced on the study portal.

(2) The requirements regarding active enrolment as well as rules on the maximum time to degree after commencement of studies are set out in Aarhus University’s rules of 1 September 2017 on the requirements regarding active enrolment at Aarhus University as well as the academic regulations for the individual degree programmes.

(3) Students register for courses or course elements via the online Self-service. Students are informed of deadlines for and procedures for registration for and distribution of courses or course elements through notices published on the study portal.

(4) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsections 1-3. The university may also grant exemptions from subsection 1-3 in the case of a student who is an elite athlete, an entrepreneur or the chair of a volunteer organisation under the Danish Youth Council.

2.-(1) Registration for a course or a course element also includes registration for the associated exam element(s) which conclude the course or course element, unless students are informed otherwise.

(2) If the exam is not taken in connection with or as a direct continuation of an associated course or course element for the examination or exam element, registration for the exam or exam element must take place via Self-service, unless students are informed otherwise. Students who attempt to register in any other way cannot expect their registration to be processed. Students are informed of deadlines for and procedures for registration for exams through notices published on the study portal.

(3) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsections 1 and 2. The university may also grant exemptions from subsection 1 and 2 if the student is an elite athlete, entrepreneur or chair of a volunteer organisation under the Danish Youth Council.

Registration for courses and examinations for students enrolled in professional Bachelor’s degree programmes or academy profession degree programmes at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health at the Faculty of Health:

3.-(1) Students are automatically registered for the examination(s) when students are registered as enrolled in a course or course element with which one or more examinations are associated.

(2) Students who do not pass the scheduled exam are automatically registered for the reexamination and again for the next scheduled exam period where relevant.

(3) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsections 1 and 2. The university may also grant exemptions from subsection 1 and 2 if the student is an elite athlete, entrepreneur or chair of a volunteer organisation under the Danish Youth Council.

Registration for examinations for students enrolled in professional/executive Master’s degree programmes and other part-time degree programmes under the University Act or the Act on Open Education:

4.-(1) Registration for a course or a course element also includes registration for the exam elements which conclude the course or course element.

(2) If the exam is not taken in direct continuation of an associated course or course element for the examination or exam element, registration for the exam or exam element must take place on the students’ own initiative via Self-service, unless students are informed otherwise. Students who attempt to register in any other way cannot expect their registration to be processed. Students are informed of deadlines for and procedures for registration for exams through notices published on the study portal.

(3) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsections 1 and 2.

Withdrawal from courses and examinations for students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes as well as Master’s degree programmes for working professionals and Bachelor of Engineering programmes:

5.-(1) Students may withdraw registration for a course or course element or register for an alternate course or course element by a deadline which is set by the individual faculty. This does not apply to the Master’s thesis. The deadline is posted on the study portal. After the deadline has passed, registration for courses or course elements cannot be withdrawn, and the course or course element constitutes a mandatory element in the student’s course of study.

(2) Withdrawal of registration for a course or a course element must take place via Selfservice unless students are informed otherwise. Students who attempt to withdraw their registration in any other way cannot expect their withdrawal of registration to be processed.

(3) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsection 1. The university may also grant exemptions from subsection 1 in the case of a student who is an elite athlete, an entrepreneur or the chair of a volunteer organisation under the Danish Youth Council. The university may grant exemptions until there is exam attempts in a course or a course element.

6.-(1) Students may withdraw their registration for an exam or exam element. This does not apply to the Master’s thesis. The deadline for withdrawal of registration for an exam or exam element is announced on the study portal.

(2) Withdrawal of registration for an examination must take place via Self-service unless students are informed otherwise. Students who attempt to withdraw their registration in any other way cannot expect their withdrawal of registration to be processed.

(3) If the withdrawal of registration is made too late, the examinee will be registered as having used one examination attempt.

(4) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsections 1-3. The university may also grant exemptions from subsection 1-3 if the student is an elite athlete, entrepreneur or chair of a volunteer organisation under the Danish Youth Council.

Withdrawal from examinations for students enrolled in professional Bachelor’s degree programmes or academy profession degree programmes at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health at the Faculty of Health:

7.-(1) Students may not withdraw registration for an exam, and it will count as an exam attempt if a student fails to participate in the examination for which he or she is registered.

(2) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsection 1. The university may also grant exemptions from subsection 1 in the case of a student who is an elite athlete, an entrepreneur or the chair of a volunteer organisation under the Danish Youth Council.

Withdrawal of registration for examinations for students enrolled in professional Master’s degree programmes and other part-time degree programmes under the Danish University Act or the Danish Act on Open Education:

8.-(1) Withdrawal of registration for an examination must take place via Self-service unless students are informed otherwise. Students who attempt to withdraw their registration in any other way cannot expect their withdrawal of registration to be processed.

(2) Students must withdraw their registration for an examination no later than seven days before the examination is scheduled to take place. In the event of examinations lasting several days, the deadline is calculated from the first examination day for the course.

(3) If the withdrawal of registration is made too late, the examinee will be registered as having used one examination attempt.

(4) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsections 1-3.

Placement of examinations and re-examinations

9.-(1) On programmes for which the examination period is at the end of the autumn semester and the end of the spring semester, students who have used an exam attempt on a scheduled exam without having passed it must be given the opportunity of a reexamination in the same examination period or immediately thereafter. The same applies to students who are unable to participate in a scheduled examination on account of illness.

(2) If students have not passed or participated in a re-examination held in accordance with the provisions in section 1, students must be given the opportunity to take the exam in the next examination period in which it is offered.

Appeals and exemptions

10.-(1) Appeals regarding examinations must be submitted electronically to the studies administration office at the student’s faculty. The studies administration office will ensure that the appeal is brought before the correct body as quickly as possible.

(2) The deadline for appeals is 14 days from publication of the examination results. However, the calculation of the two-week time limit starts at the earliest from the date indicated for the announcement. Appeals must be submitted in writing and include an explanation of the reasons for the appeal.

11.-(1) Applications for exemption from these rules and other rules laid down pursuant these rules must be submitted in writing and include an explanation of the reasons for the application. Applications must be submitted to the appropriate board of studies.

(2) Applications for exemptions must be submitted before or at the start of the semester.

(3) Under exceptional circumstances, the board of studies may grant an exemption from subsection 2.

Entry into force:

12.-(1) These rules come into force on 1 September 2018.

(2) Aarhus University’s rules of 1 September 2017 on registration for, participation in and withdrawal of registration for examinations are repealed.

Aarhus University, 1 September 2018.

PDF: Rules on the placement of, registration for, participation in and withdrawal of registration for examinations

Rules on on-site examinations at Aarhus University

Aarhus University's rules of 1 February 2021 on on-site examinations – written, oral or practical tests held under supervision at a specified location for a specified period of time, including rules for digital on-site examinations in Digital exams or WISEflow.

Pursuant to Consolidation Act No. 778 of 7 August 2019 on universities with subsequent amendments and Consolidation Act No. 1343 of 10 December 2019 on business academy degree programmes and professional Bachelor's degree programmes with subsequent amendments as well as related ministerial orders, the following is stipulated:

§ 1. These rules apply to on-site examinations. On-site examinations are written, oral or practical exams of a set duration held under supervision at a set location. Written on-site examinations include both analogue and digital on-site examinations.

Subsection (2) On-site examinations are also subject to Aarhus University’s rules on placement of, registration for, participation in and withdrawal of registration for courses and examinations and Aarhus University’s rules regarding disciplinary measures for students.

Subsection (3) Supplementary guidelines regarding exams in the Digital Exams system and WISEflow will be published on the study portal.

Part 1
The students’ obligations

Section 2.-(1) Students have a responsibility to consult the academic regulations and the course catalogue to inform themselves of relevant information regarding the examination in question.

Subsection (2) In connection with digital on-site exams in the Digital Exams system and WISEflow, students are also responsible for informing themselves of any additional guidelines regarding exams in the Digital Exams system and WISEflow by consulting the study portal.

Equipment for written digital on-site examinations

Section 3.-(1) In connection with on-site exams with a computer, each student may bring one computer to the exam along with necessary extension cords, junction boxes, etc., unless otherwise specified in the rules for the specific exam in the academic regulations or the course catalogue. Students are responsible for bringing a computer and associated equipment.

Subsection (2) Students are responsible for the operational reliability of the equipment brought to the examination. No assistance will be provided before, during or after the examination. Malfunctions caused by individual operational problems will not result in extended examination time or permission for extraordinary re-examination.

Section 4.-(1) Students are liable for damage to or theft of computer equipment while such equipment is in the examination room.

Part 2
Access to the examination room

Section 5.-(1) Students will be given access to the examination room 30 minutes before commencement of the examination. Students must be present and seated in the examination room before an on-site examination commences. In connection with on-site exams with computer, the computer must be set up before the examination commences.

Subsection (2) Students who report for an examination after the time set for the commencement of the examination may be excluded from participating in the examination. This will be registered as an examination attempt.

Section 6.-(1) Students must present valid photo identification (for example, a student ID card) when reporting for an on-site examination. Students who fail to do so may be excluded from participating in the examination. This will be registered as an examination attempt. Students must place their student ID card on the right-hand corner of the table during written on-site examinations. The card must be visible throughout the examination.

Part 3

Section 7.-(1) Only permitted examination aids may be brought to on-site examinations. A list of permitted aids is included in the description of the individual course element in the academic regulations or the course catalogue. Students are responsible for bringing the required exam writing implements and other equipment as well as permitted examination aids.

(2) Music players, mobile phones, smartwatches and other digital or audio devices are not considered permitted examination aids and may not be used during an on-site examination. Music players, mobile phones, smartwatches and other digital or audio devices must be switched off and stored in individual closed bags bag during the exam. Any exceptions to this will be stated in the specific course description.

(3) Students are not permitted to borrow anything – including aids – from other students during an on-site examination.

(4) No use of audio on computers or other equipment is permitted, not even with headphones or the like. Any exceptions to this will be stated in the specific course description.

(5) Students are liable for permitted aids and other objects brought to the on-site examination, and are responsible for the operational reliability of permitted aids.

Part 4
During the on-site examination

Section 8.-(1) Students are not allowed to communicate or attempt to communicate with other students in the examination room or with persons outside the examination room. All communication during on-site

examinations must take place through the exam supervisors, and students must raise their hands before speaking. Communication or attempts at communication with other students during on-site examinations may result in a sanction for exam cheating.

Section 9.-(1) The student may not leave the examination room earlier than one hour after commencement of the on-site examination without the express permission of the exam supervisor.

Part 5

Section 10.-(1) In case of digital on-site examinations, the exam paper must be submitted electronically at the end of the on-site examination. In case of other written onsite examinations, the exam paper must be placed at the corner of the table at the end of the on-site examination.

Subsection (2) If an student submits his or her exam paper earlier than fifteen minutes prior to the end of a digital on-site examination, the student must contact the exam supervisor, who then notes that the exam paper has been submitted.

(3) In cases in which it is not possible for a student to submit through the Digital Exams system or WISEflow, the exam paper must be submitted before exiting the examination room – for example using a USB flash drive provided by the exam supervisor – unless otherwise specified. The student must notify the exam supervisor that submission through the Digital Exams system or WISEflow is not possible. The exam supervisor or the student must provide a description of the reasons for not submitting through the Digital Exams system or WISEflow, which must subsequently be confirmed with the exam supervisor’s signature.

(4) In cases in which it is not possible for a student to continue participating in the examination in the Digital Exams system or WISEflow, the student may switch to writing by hand. The student must notify the exam supervisor of the switch to writing by hand, and the final exam paper submitted must be accompanied by a brief description of the reasons for which the exam paper was completed by hand. This description must be written by either the exam supervisor or the student and subsequently confirmed with the supervisor’s signature.

(5) In cases in which a student does not submit his or her exam paper in the Digital Exams system or WISEflow, but instead as described in subsections 3 or 4, the student must apply for an exemption in order to have the exam paper assessed.

Part 6
The university’s obligations

Section 11. In connection with written on-site examinations, the university is responsible for:

  • Setting up tables and chairs
  • Access to a power source and, if relevant, access to the internet, if the written on-site examination is a digital on-site examination

Section 12. The university will store aids and other objects left behind in the examination room for one year.

Part 7
Appeals and exemptions

Section 13. Cases regarding violation of these rules are handled in accordance with Aarhus University’s rules on disciplinary measures for students.

Section 14. Applications for exemption from these rules and other rules laid down pursuant to these rules must be submitted in writing and include an explanation of the reasons for the application. Applications must be submitted to the appropriate board of studies.

Subsection (2) Applications for exemptions, with the exception of applications for exemption under section 10(5), must be submitted at the start of the semester. Students who submit applications later than this cannot expect them to be processed before the day of the examination.

(3) Under exceptional circumstances, the university may grant an exemption from subsection 2.

Part 8

Section 15. As a supplement to these rules, and within the framework constituted by Aarhus University’s rules on the placement of, registration for, participation in and withdrawal of registration for courses and exams, the dean of a faculty may lay down rules regarding:

  • The use of computers for written on-site examinations, including requirements with regard to formats for submission and required templates
  • The use of upload and download in connection with distributing examination questions and submitting exam papers

Subsection (2) Any supplementary rules pursuant to subsection 1 will be presented as a reference in the relevant academic regulations, and must be made available to students by the deadline for registering for the course element(s) leading up to the examination in question.

Part 9
Entry into force

16.-(1) These rules come into force on 1 February 2021.

Subsection 2 At the same time, Aarhus University's rules of 1 September 2018 on on-site examinations at Aarhus University are repealed.

Aarhus University, 1 February 2021

PDF: Rules on on-site examinations at Aarhus University

Rules on leave for students at Aarhus University

Aarhus University’s rules of 1 March 2019 regarding leave for students at Aarhus University.

Pursuant to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science ministerial orders on admissions:

The Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Academy Profession and Professional Bachelor’s Degree Programmes, the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Universities, the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Master’s Degree Programmes, the following applies:

Part 1
Applying for leave

Section 1.-(1) Students at Aarhus University may apply for a leave of absence if such leave is due to childbirth/adoption, conscription/UN service or a medical/odontology student research year.

Subsection (2) The university may also grant an application for leave if exceptional circumstances apply. See http://studerende.au.dk/en/specialleave/ for further information.

Section 2.-(1) Applications for leave from a degree programme must be received by Aarhus University by the day on which the leave is to begin.

Subsection (2) The application for leave must be submitted via Aarhus University’s Student Self-Service system, and must account for the applicant’s reasons for seeking the leave and include any relevant documentation .

Section 3.-(1) Leave from a degree programme is granted for a minimum period of two months.

Subsection (2) A semester is defined as either the period from 1 February to 31 August or the period from 1 September to 31 January, unless a different semester structure is defined in the academic regulations for the degree programme in question, in which case this structure will apply.

Section 4.-(1) During a period of leave, students may not participate in classes and examinations associated with the degree programme from which the student is on leave.

Subsection (2) If the leave is concluded or terminated during a semester or the equivalent, students may be granted an exemption to register for courses and examinations associated with the degree programme in the semester in progress or the equivalent by contacting the university. Applications for an exemption to register for courses and examinations should be submitted to the board of studies.

Subsection (3) Rules on eligibility and voting rights in elections to the university’s board, boards of studies or academic councils etc. in connection with leaves of absence are stated in the election rules. See the election rules for further information.

Subsection (4) During the period of leave, students may not be enrolled as credit students or on further and continuing education courses under the relevant degree programme from which they are on leave. See http://studerende.au.dk/en/specialleave/ for further information.

Section 5.-(1) Applications to terminate a leave of absence from a degree programme prematurely must be received by Aarhus University by the day on which the student wishes to prematurely terminate the period of leave.

Subsection (2) Applications to terminate a leave of absence prematurely must be submitted to the university in writing. See http://studerende.au.dk/en/specialleave/ for further information.

Subsection (3) The university may not prematurely terminate or cancel a leave of absence arrangement with retrospective effect.

Part 2
Other provisions

Section 6.-(1) Under exceptional circumstances, the university may grant exemptions from these rules.

Subsection (2) An application for exemption must be in writing and account for the applicant's reasons for seeking the exemption and include any relevant documentation. The applicant must state what rule or procedure he or she requests exemption from as well as what he or she wishes to achieve by submitting the application.

Subsection (3) The application must be submitted to the university. See http://studerende.au.dk/en/specialleave/ for further information.

Section 7.-(1) Decisions made under these rules may be appealed to the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education if the appeal is based on legal issues. Appeals must be submitted within two weeks of notification of the decision.

Subsection (2) The appeal is submitted to the university, which issues a statement. The complainant has one week to comment on the opinion. The university submits the appeal Kommenterede [CLSJ1]: Dette skal være et link til valgreglerne to the agency, enclosing the university’s opinion and any comments on the opinion made by the complainant.

Section 8. These rules come into force on 1 March 2019.

Subsection (2) At the same time, Aarhus University's rules of 1 September 2018 on leave for students at Aarhus University are repealed.

Aarhus University, 1 March 2019

PDF: Rules on leave for students at Aarhus University