Study portals

Board of Studies

What are the board of studies’ responsibilities?
The board of studies is responsible for organising your degree programme in cooperation with the director of studies and the studies administration.

As a student, you are the one who experiences the teaching, the coherency of the programme, the exam methods etc. That is why it is important that you have a seat at the table where your degree programme is planned, developed and evaluated.

As a member of the board of studies, you have the opportunity to influence the overall framework of the teaching activities, types of examinations, content of academic regulations, course evaluation procedures and much more.

The board of studies has an equal representation of students and academic staff. The representatives are elected for the board of studies at the university elections.

Maybe it is you that we need on the board of studies?

Good reasons to work on the board of studies

As a member of the board of studies, you will get:

  1. Influence on your degree programme. You will help make important decisions about the structure of the academic regulations, exam planning, evaluation of teaching activities and similar.
  2. Experience working in a large and complex organisation under political control. Which is a strong addition to your CV.
  3. A strong network across year groups
  4. Knowledge about the university and the political framework for its work

How to become a member of the board of studies

It might sound difficult to stand for election as a member of the board of studies. Fortunately, it is not that difficult. And we need you.

How to stand for election:

  1. Go to the AU page for university elections for students at
  2. Please note: the nomination period is in October. This means that the election system on the page will not open until late September/early October. This is when you can register as a candidate for the board of studies on your degree programme.
  3. In November, students will use the same page to vote for the nominated candidates – and the members of the board of studies will be elected.


At the election site, you will find guidances on how to stand for election, and you are always welcome to contact the election secretariat at


Members of the Board of Studies

The Board of Studies consists of a total of 12 members elected from employees and students in the programmes for Law, Business Administration and Commercial Law, and Master of Taxation.

Academic staff elected from 1 February 2021 to 31 January 2024:

Student representatives elected from 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023:

  • Cecilie Dreiø - deputy chairman
  • Jacob Kampman - deputy chairman
  • Mathilde Fæster Jensen
  • Ditte Linnet Gotborg Hansen
  • vacant
  • vacant

Board of Studies support:

  • Hanne Falsig, (Business Administration and Commercial Law)
  • Marianne Richs Monsrud, (Law)
  • Ida Ravn Eriksen, (Master of Taxation)


Exemptions and credit transfers

  • Associate professor Louise Halleskov (Chairman)
  • Associate professor Carsten Willemoes Jørgensen
  • Student Ditte Linnet Gotborg Hansen
  • Student Asger Rasch Pedersen
  • Administrative Cecilie Ulfkjær and Sandra Hvilsted Pedersen

Quota 2-admissions

  • Professor Susanne Karstoft
  • Professor Dennis Ramsdahl Jensen
  • Student Mathilde Fæster Jensen
  • Student Jacob Kampman

Any suggestions for the board of studies?

Please remember that students are always welcome to contact the board of studies with specific suggestions or ideas for your degree programme that the board of studies should consider. Find contact information on members of the board of studies on this page.


En dispensation er en undtagelse fra de sædvanlige og faste regler, der gælder for din uddannelse. Dispensationsationsansøgninger behandles i studienævnet.