

MATLAB is a mathematics-program, that focuses on the use of matrixes and vectors. The program is often used by graduate students at the university. Several main departments and institutes have licenses for MATLAB including add-ons. Employees and students with the following connection to the university can acquire a license: Undervisning, gammel NAT Biologi, gammel NAT Kemi, gammel NAT Fysik, ECON/ Creates, Biovidenskab og Miljøvidenskab (tidligere DMU). Contact your local Servicedesk to hear if you are eligible for a license.


Computer rooms:

At request to the IT-helpdesk, the licenses in room 2627(H)-10 can be renewed

Building 2628, room M21
Tlf. 8715 0933


It is possible for students to gain access to the program by applying for it, see more below.

License and installation

MatLab is now available for students on AU BSS with a site-license.

Follow the guide below to download and install the program:

The license expires, and is renewed, every year at November 1st. This means that you have to reactivate the program once a year. 


MATLAB Documentation Center:


Analytics Group does not conduct courses for this program at the given time, but upon request a course can be arranged. This is done by contacting with the requested content for the course and requested duration, after which a course structure will be suggested that are consistent with the given requests.