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GAI and chatbots

AU has adjusted the rules for the use of Generative AI (GAI) so that it is now allowed in all projects, unless your academic regulations or the course catalogue doesn’t explicitly state that using GAI is not allowed. It is important that you are aware of when GAI is allowed to use and how to cite it correctly.

When is GAI allowed for exams?

The main rule is that you are allowed to use GAI if your academic regulations or the course catalogue doesn’t explicitly state that using GAI is not allowed.

Use of GAI must be cited and declared

The general rules for source referencing and plagiarism still apply, even if GAI is allowed. Therefore, it is important that you remember to clearly indicate the use of GAI.

You must therefore complete and attach this declaration as an appendix to your project.

The declaration is used as a source indication for the overall use of GAI in the project, but if you have used direct reproductions of, for example, GAI-generated text, you must state it as a quote according to the usual rules. 

It is a good idea to talk to your supervisor about the declaration, and also to fill it out continuously, instead of having to remember to include everything right up to the submission deadline. 

How does GAI affect your grade and your exam?

Your project will be assessed based on the same criteria, regardless of whether you have used GAI or not – you should therefore not worry that it will affect your assessment if you fill out the declaration, stating that you have used GAI (on the contrary, it is important to remember the declaration so you avoid being accused of cheating at your exam).

It is a good idea to talk to your supervisor about how to use GAI, and for your oral exam, your supervisor may also ask you to elaborate on what considerations you have had about using GAI.

Remember to use your common as well as critical sense

It is still your responsibility to be critical of what you use in your project – whether it is from GAI or other sources of information. 

If you work with confidential, personal, non-anonymized content, or copyrighted content, you should not share it with a GAI technology. AU does not currently have GDPR approved GAI technologies, nor has AU entered into a data processing agreement with GAI technologies. This means that many of the GAI technologies collect and process ordinary personal data in the United States to improve the technologies. You should therefore pay special attention to the sensitivity of your data.

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Contact your supervisor if you have questions about using GAI in your project or how to fill out the declaration