Exam registration and reexams

Fall courses Spring courses
  • Exam period:
    December 16th 2024 - January 25th 2025
  • Registration exams:*
    September 8th - 14th 2025
  • Exam period:
    June 2nd - June 30th 2025
  • Registration for exams:*
    January 2nd - February 28th 2025
  • Reexamination period:
    • Bachelor of Engineering: May 19th– June 30th 2025
    • BSc and MSc in engineering: May 19th – June 7th 2025
    • AU Viborg and Agrobiology: Maj 19th – June 7th 2025
  • Registration for reexamination:*
    January 2nd - February 28th 2025**
  • Reexamination period:
    August 1st - 23rd 2025
  • Registration for reexamination:*
    • Bachelor of engineering: June 1st - July 6th 2025**
    • BSc and MSc in engineering: June 1st - July 13th 2025**
    • AU Viborg and Agrobiology: June 1st - July 13th 2025**

* You are automatically registered for your 1. exam attempt in the following exam period when you register for the course. However, if you have to use your 2. or 3. attempt, you have to register yourself in that period.  

**If the grade for your ordinary examination is published after the registration deadline for the re-examination, and you did not pass the ordinary examination, you will be contacted on your post.au.dk email with an offer to be registered for the re-examination. Remember to be aware of the response deadline for reporting back to the email.

Registration for reexamination

You can register for the reexamination via mystudies.au.dk -> STADS -> Examination -> Register.

It is your own responsibility to check that your exam registrations are correct at mitstudie.au.dk. 

If you haven't registered during the registration period, you must apply for late registration. Send your application to Studieservice via studieservice.nat-tech@au.dk.

Late registration after the start of the examination period must be applied for through mitstudie.au.dk.

If you did not pass the exam in the first attempt 

When you have to do a reexam, there are a few things you should be aware of: 

  • You need to have been registered and have used one examination attempt at the ordinary exam in order to register for the reexam.
  • You only have three attempts to pass an exam - if there are special circumstances you can apply for a dispensation for a fourth examination attempt from the Board of Studies.
  • It is only the newest form of examination that is offered, and if you have to take a reexam later in the semester the form might have changed since you first attended the course. 
  •  OBS. therefore you need to check whether the syllabus has changed since you first attended the course.

Has your exam registration been denied?

If you are able to see that your exam registration has been 'Rejected', you need to make sure that your study contract is updated and approved in order for the course to be taken into account. If that is in order you do not need to do anything further - there is no reason to contact the Studies Administration as the rejected registrations are corrected on an ongoing basis and will be corrected before the publication of the examination schedules.

Likewise, if you register for a re-examination before the grades for the ordinary examination have been published on STADS, your registration will also be rejected - but again, there is no need to worry - the rejected registrations are corrected on an ongoing basis and will be corrected before the publication of the re-examination schedules.

Teaching and examination periods

Teaching and examination periods at Nat and Tech 2023-24

Teaching and examination periods 2023-24

Introduction for new Bachelor's students – summer

Wednesday August 23rd – Friday August 25th

Week 34

Fall semester

Monday August 28th – Saturday December 9th

Week 35-49

Teaching, exercises and projects (only Bachelor of Engineering)

Monday December 11th – Friday December 22nd

Week 50-51


Monday December 18th – Saturday January 27th

Week 51-4


- Science and MsC in Engineering

- Bachelor of Engineering

Monday May 21st – Saturday June 8th

Monday May 21st – Saturday June 29th

Week 21-23

week 21-26


Monday October 16th – Saturday October 21st

Week 42

Introduction for new Bachelor's students – winter

Wednesday January 24th – Friday January 26th

Week 4

Spring semester

Monday January 29th – Saturday May 18th

Week 5-20

Teaching, exercises and projects (only Bachelor of Engineering)

Monday May 21st – Friday May 31st

Week 21-22

Examination schedule is published

Wednesday May 1st

Week 18


Saturday June 1st – Saturday June 29th

Week 22-26


Thursday August 1st – Saturday August 24th

Week 31-34


Monday March 25th - Wednesday March 27th

Week 13

  • Teaching can take place outside the periods mentioned, e.g. field courses and courses planned as intensive programmes.
  • The lecture-free periods are not holidays, but they are reserved for other course activities, e.g. field courses.
  • Exams can be scheduled in weekends as well.

Teaching and examination periods at Nat and Tech 2024-25

Teaching and examination periods 2024-25

Introduction for new Bachelor's students – summer

Wednesday August 21st – Friday August 23rd

Week 34

Fall semester

Monday August 286h – Saturday December 7th

Week 35-49

Teaching, exercises and projects (only Bachelor of Engineering)

Monday December 9th – Friday December 20th

Week 50-51


Monday December 16th – Saturday January 25th

Week 51-4


- Science and MsC in Engineering

- Bachelor of Engineering

Monday May 19th – Saturday June 7th

Monday May 19th – Saturday June 30th

Week 21-23

week 21-27


Monday October 14th – Saturday October 19th

Week 42

Introduction for new Bachelor's students – winter

Wednesday January 22nd – Friday January 24th

Week 4

Spring semester

Monday January 27th – Saturday May 17th

Week 5-20

Teaching, exercises and projects (only Bachelor of Engineering)

Monday May 19th – Friday May 30th

Week 21-22


Monday June 2nd – Monday June 30th

Week 22-27


Friday August 1st – Saturday August 23rd

Week 31-34


Monday April 14th - Wednesday April 16th

Week 16

  • Teaching can take place outside the periods mentioned, e.g. field courses and courses planned as intensive programmes.
  • The lecture-free periods are not holidays, but they are reserved for other course activities, e.g. field courses.
  • Exams can be scheduled in weekends as well.

Teaching and examination periods at Nat and Tech 2025-26

Teaching and examination periods 2025-26

Introduction for new Bachelor's students – summer

Wednesday August 21st – Friday August 23rd

Week 34

Fall semester

Monday August 25th – Saturday December 6th

Week 35-49

Teaching, exercises and projects (only Bachelor of Engineering)

Monday December 8th – Friday December 19th

Week 50-51


Monday December 15th – Saturday January 25th

Week 51-4


- Science and MsC in Engineering

- Bachelor of Engineering

Monday May 18th – Saturday June 6th

Monday May 18th – Tuesday June 30th

Week 21-23

week 21-27


Monday October 13th – Saturday October 18th

Week 42

Introduction for new Bachelor's students – winter

Wednesday January 21st – Friday January 23rd

Week 4

Spring semester

Monday January 27th – Saturday May 16th

Week 5-20

Teaching, exercises and projects (only Bachelor of Engineering)

Monday May 18th – Friday May 29th

Week 21-22


Monday June 1st – Tuesday June 30th

Week 23-27


Saturday August 1st – Saturday August 22nd

Week 31-34


Monday March 30th - Wednesday April 1st

Week 14

  • Teaching can take place outside the periods mentioned, e.g. field courses and courses planned as intensive programmes.
  • The lecture-free periods are not holidays, but they are reserved for other course activities, e.g. field courses.
  • Exams can be scheduled in weekends as well.

Reexamination in courses with compulsory assignments

It is your own responsibility that you fulfill the requirements in the compulsory program. This means that you are responsible for knowing the number of assignments required in order to attend the exam.

In courses where it is possible, students should be offered the opportunity to resubmit assignments prior to the date for final exam registration, which will secure all students the opportunity to obtain a sufficient number of approved assignments during the course. It is recommended that the course coordinator considers number and scheduling of compulsory assignments/exercises to make resubmission possible.

If you do not meet the criteria in the compulsory program and thus cannot be registered for examination, this means that:

  • You will get a failed result registered for your 1st exam attempt.
  • You are not able to register for the next reexam, since you have to complete the parts of the course required for the compulsory program.

If you have to follow the course again in order to fulfill the requirements, this course will be added to the 30 ECTS for that semester, and there is no guarantee that your regular schedule will allow room for completing the entire course again.

For courses involving laboratory exercises, these must be completed in the laboratory once more, so you can fulfill the requirements in order to register for your second exam attempt.

Illness in connection with exams

1. Cancellation of an examination attempt due to illness

You can apply for exemption from cancellation of an examination attempt prior to the actual examination. You can be granted exemption provided there are exceptional circumstances such as illness. You must submit documentation for the conditions that justify your application.

If you are ill in the period/days leading up to an examination, you must immediately consult a doctor and obtain a medical certificate. Submit this documentation along with an application for exemption from cancellation. The case will be processed and, if you are granted exemption from cancellation, this means that you have not used an examination attempt and you can register for re-examination.

Exemption from cancellation prior to an examination is not normally granted in cases of too many examinations or a tight examination schedule.

2. Illness on the actual day of examination

If you get ill on the day (1) of examination or during the examination (2), you must

(1) contact your doctor the same day or immediately after the day of examination and obtain a medical certificate. You must submit this documentation along with an application to be registered for re-examination instead. Provided you still have an examination attempt remaining, you should use this for your next attempt. If this was your last attempt, you should at the same time apply for a further examination attempt. Emphasis will be placed on the fact that you documented that you were actually ill on the day and were therefore unable to attend. Ensuring documentation of your illness is crucial.

(2) If you are ill during the examination and are unable to submit a completed paper, you must leave the examination after notifying the examination supervisor. You thus submit a blank examination paper, and will be recorded as having left the examination. You must consult your doctor at once or immediately after the day of examination, and obtain a medical certificate. You should then submit this documentation along with an application to be registered for re-examination. If this was your last examination attempt, you should at the same time apply for a further examination attempt. Emphasis will be placed on the fact that you documented that you were ill during the actual examination, and were therefore unable to complete it. Ensuring documentation of your illness is crucial.

If you have a sudden onset of illness and, in spite of this, choose to continue the examination and submit a paper for assessment, this will count as a used examination attempt – regardless of whether you can subsequently document that you suddenly became ill on the day. In this case, emphasis will usually be placed on the fact that you personally chose to do the examination and submit a paper or take part in an oral examination.

3. Subsequent cancellation of an examination attempt due to illness

Applications for cancellation of an examination attempt after the expiry of the examination period – i.e. after your examinations have been held – are only approved to a very limited extent. If you do not sit an examination due to illness and fail to follow the guidelines in points 1 and 2 above, you must use your remaining examination attempts in the relevant courses. If you have used your examination attempts, you must apply for a further examination attempt, and attach documentation for the illness that prevented you from sitting the examination at the time in question. Here it is important that you obtained documentation at the time of illness and not several days/months after the day of examination.

Please note that a medical certificate obtained long after the illness and the examination does not necessarily carry the same weight as one obtained during the illness.

In addition to your own illness, exceptional circumstances in connection with your examination can also include serious illness or death of close relatives (parents, spouse, partner, children).

If you refer to close relatives, you are not required to submit documentation for their illness or death – but submit documentation for how the situation affected you, and you can obtain this from your doctor.

If you are in doubt about your own situation, please contact the student counsellors or studieservice.nat-tech@au.dk.

Remember: You must have made an ordinary examination attempt to be entitled to register for re-examination.


Please send any questions from your AU-mail to Studieservice.Nat-Tech@au.dk