
The examination will be conducted on Friday 5 January 2024 (minor correction)

We hereby confirm that all exams today, Friday 5th January 2024, will be conducted.

Dear students,

We hereby confirm that all exams today, Friday 5th January 2024, will be conducted. We are aware that the police continue to advise against all non-essential travel, although with a less strict definition than previously and only in parts of Eastern Jutland.

If your oral exam is converted to an online exam, your department will notify you.

In case you are still unable to turn up for your exam today due to the weather, you can apply for a dispensation to have your examination attempt cancelled and go directly to the reexamination.  

You will find guidance on how to apply for dispensation on your study portal under Student counselling/Dispensations. 

Do you have questions?  
Contact the Student Counselling Service for your degree programme if you have any questions or are in doubt about how to deal with your exams in the coming days. 
Email: or find them here: Student Counselling at Aarhus BSS

Best regards  

Aarhus BSS Studies 

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