Below you will find a list of the exams offered on the bachelor begree programme in law and when the exams take place.
The exam in courses on the Master’s Degree Programme is offered in direct continuation of the teaching. Following the autumn semester, the ordinary exam is offered in December/January with reexamination in February. Following the spring semester teaching, the ordinary exam is in May/June with reexamination in August.
If a course is offered again within the next two semesters, the student's third examination attempt may be taken in connection with the accompanying ordinary exam or re-examination. If a course is not offered again for the next two semesters, another re-examination will be offered in the subsequent examination period (possibly in connection with the ordinary examination period), after which the student's opportunity to take the exam for that course three times is exhausted.
In very special circumstances, the Board of Studies may grant permission to set up an extraordinary exam.