Individual career counselling

Are you already giving thoughts to what happens after your studies? Every second Wednesday Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Technical Sciences offers counselling and guidance for your future career. We can help you find out which job types your education qualifies you for, how to find a relevant student job, how to target you job search material, how to get in contact with future employers, etc.

Our Career Counsellors at Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences can guide you every other Wednesday about:

  • Relevant student jobs and internships
  • Identification of competences
  • Career planning and reflection about your future
  • The first job after the Master's thesis
  • Feedback on CV and application
  • The job interview
  • The Labour market, networking and relations caring 
  • Personal branding, search optimisation, recruitment and visibility on LinkedIn
  • Unsolicited applications


You can meet a Career Counsellor by:

  • booking an individual counselling session with the Career Counsellors from Jobcenter Aarhus. You can book a session on the bottom of this page.
  • writing an e-mail to

If you wish to get feedback on you application or CV, please send the documents in advance to This gives us the opportunity to prepare prior to your meeting.


Book individual counselling with a Career Counsellor

Your Career Counsellor

Søren Rosenberg Pedersen
Career counsellor

Contact and address

Søren offers counselling at:

Institute for Mathematics
Ny Munkegade 118
Building 1530, room 127
8000 Aarhus C