Master's thesis

Student projects at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics for degree programmes in Molecular Biology, Molecular MedicineBiotechnology and Bioinformatics. You are welcome to contact individual main supervisors to discuss carrying out a project with them.

It is also possible to carry out your research project at the Department of Biomedicine and the Department of Clinical Medicine.

Project day for presentation of research projects for students

Every year, a project day is held in April/May where all the supervisors present a poster with the research project(s) they can offer students. Time and date will be announced on this page when decided.

List of supervisors

Daan van Aalten

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Description of the student project

Research projects

Pablo Alcón

Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

(link to poster)

Research projects

Ebbe Sloth Andersen

Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-MBG, iNANO-huset

Description of the student project

Research projects

Gregers Rom Andersen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

Research projects

Kasper Røjkjær Andersen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Plant Molecular Biology

Research projects

Peter Ebert Andersen

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Research projects

Stig Uggerhøj Andersen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Plant Molecular Biology

Research projects

Thomas Bataillon

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC)

Description of the student project


Research projects

Lotte Bjergbæk

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Thomas Boesen

Senior Researcher Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-MBG, iNANO-huset

Description of the student project

Research projects

Xavier Bofill De Ros

Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the project

Research projects

Christian Kroun Damgaard

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Jan J. Enghild

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

Research projects

Rasmus Kock Flygaard

Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

Research projects

Aleksandr Gavrin

Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Plant Molecular Biology

Research projects

Rune Hartmann

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Yuya Hayashi

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Research projects

Christian Würtz Heegaard

Senior Researcher Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Research projects

Torben Heick Jensen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Taro Kitazawa

Group Leader, Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Description of the student project

Research projects

Jørgen Kjems

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Magnus Kjærgaard

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Description of the student project

Research projects

Birgitta R. Knudsen

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Research projects

Charlotte Rohde Knudsen

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Description of the student project


Research projects

Esben Lorentzen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

Research projects

Søren Lykke-Andersen

Member of Administrative Staff Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Joseph Lyons

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-MBG, iNANO-huset

Research projects

Kasper Munch

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC)

Description of the student project


Research projects

Sadegh Nabavi

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Description of the student project

Research projects

See the YouTube video from Nabavi's lab

Poul Nissen

Vice-Dean, Research Dean's Office, Natural Sciences

Description of the student project

Research projects

Daniel Erik Otzen

Professor Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-MBG, iNANO-huset

Description of the student project

Research projects

Claus Oxvig

Head of Department, Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Research projects

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

Research projects

Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC)

Description of the student project


Research projects

Lene Pedersen

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Research projects

Simona Radutoiu

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Plant Molecular Biology

Description of the student project

Research projects

Jan Trige Rasmussen

Senior Researcher Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Research projects

Mikkel Heide Schierup

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC)

Description of the student project


Research projects

Tinna V. Stevnsner

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Description of the student project

Research projects

Chao Sun

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Description of the student project

Investigation of protein machines that manage the molecular logistics of brain synapses

Research projects

Esben Skipper Sørensen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Description of the student project

Research projects

Søren Skou Thirup

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Description of the student project

Research projects

Bo Thomsen

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Description of the student project

Research projects

Julián Valero Moreno

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Research projects

Gilles Claude Vanwalleghem

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Cellular Health, Intervention, and Nutrition

Description of the student project

Research projects

Palle Villesen

Associate Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - Enhed for Bioinformatik

Description of the student project


Research projects

Ulf Andersson Vang Ørom

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation

Description of the student project

Research projects

Please note that there can be requirements that are specific to your degree programme. It is therefore a good idea to familiarise yourself with this and related pages as well as the academic regulations, so you know what is expected of you in relation to your Master's thesis.

Registration for your Master’s thesis

You are automatically registered for your Master's thesis

The Study Administration will administratively register you for your Master’s thesis. Both the ordinary exam and any re-exams, without possibility of withdrawal.
Your registration will be adjusted, so it is possible for you to complete three examination attempts within the maximum completion time of your programme.

Dates for the administratively registration

  • If you start your Master's thesis in the autumn, you will be registered for the thesis starting on 1 September.
  • If you start your Master's thesis in the spring, you will be registered for the thesis starting on 1 February.

Before starting your Master's thesis, you have to...

What if I still have courses to pass after completing my Master's thesis?

The thesis does not have to be the final exam activity on your Master's programme. You can still complete any remaining courses within the maximum period of study, either concurrently or after your Master’s thesis.
If you postpone courses to the Master's thesis period, the period for your Master's thesis will not be extended.

Thesis periods and important deadlines

Thesis periods and deadlines, if you follow the prescribed study plan

Theses of 60 ECTS credits

Your thesis contract must be completed and approved before 1 September.
Start: 1 September the year after commencement of studies.
Completion (incl. assessment): No later than 30 June the year after starting the Master's thesis.

Theses of 45 ECTS credits

Your thesis contract must be completed and approved before 1 September.
Depending on your study programme, the thesis will start either 1 September or 15 November in the year following your commencement of studies:

  • Start 1 September: Completion (incl. assessment) 15 April the year after starting the thesis.
  • Start 15 November: Completion (incl. assessment) 30 June the year after starting the thesis.

Theses of 30 ECTS credits

Your thesis contract must be completed and approved before 1. February.
Start: 1 February, one and a half years after commencement of your studies.
Completion (incl. assessment): No later than 30 June, the same year.

Thesis periods and deadlines, if you do not follow the prescribed study plan

Please notice: The thesis period is not prolonged, even if you are following courses concurrently.

Theses of 60 ECTS credits

Must be completed within 10 months.
If you start your thesis on 1 February, it must be completed (incl. assessment) no later than 30 November the same year.
Your thesis contract must be completed and approved before 1 February.

Theses of 45 ECTS credits

Must be completed within 7.5 months.
If you start your thesis, for example on 15 April, it must be completed (incl. assessment) no later than 30 November the same year.
Your thesis contract must be completed and approved before 1 February.

Theses of 30 ECTS credits

Must be completed within five months.
If you start your thesis on 1 September, it must be completed (incl. assessment) no later than 31 January the following year.
Your thesis contract must be completed and approved before 1 September.

Starting date

The start date may be before the above (latest) start dates.

Submission deadline

The submission deadline is 2-4 weeks before the assessment deadline.
If necessary, please ask your programme coordinator for the specific deadline. (Find your programme coordinator under 'Contact and Study Service > Programme coordinators ' in the menu.

Assessment deadline

The deadline for assessment is fixed. It requires an exemption to change it. (Find more information under 'Student counselling > 'Exemptions ' in the menu.
If the thesis period covers holiday periods, the thesis period is not prolonged.


Your thesis exam will take place at Aarhus University as an individual, oral exam. The exam follows the guidelines stated in the thesis’ course description in the Course Catalogue.

Master’s thesis contract

Who has to fill out and approve the thesis contract?

The thesis contract is made by you and your future supervisor.
The thesis contract must be filled out by you and approved by your supervisor and your head of degree programme via the Contract Generator.

Guidelines for filling out a thesis contract

You can find guidelines in the Contract Generator.

After your contract has been approved

When your contract has been approved, the Study Administration will register the contract. If there are any questions to your programme or your need to update your Master’s programme contract, we will contact you.


Your Master's thesis contract must be completed and approved before thesis start via the Contract Generator.

Group assignments

You have the possibility of doing your Master's thesis as a group assignment together with maximum two of your fellow students.

What is a group Master's thesis?

A group may consist of a maximum of three people.

You can choose between two types of group assignments:

  • You can do a joint report in which everyone is equally responsible for all parts of the report. The final grade for each of you will be an overall grade for your individual oral examination and the entire thesis report.
  • You can do a report, where it is stated who of you has done the individual parts of the report and is responsible for them.
    Parts of the report may be produced together.
    It must be stated in the table of contents who is responsible for the individual parts of the report.

The bibliography of the report can be divided into a common part and a part for each group member. The final grade for each of you will be an overall grade for your individual oral examination, and the individual and common parts of the report.

Master’s thesis contract

Each member of the group must fill out a thesis contract in which the other members of the group are listed. If you do not do this, you will not be able to submit your thesis as a group in WISEflow.


Your Master's thesis exam will take place at Aarhus University and is an individual, oral exam. The exam follows the guidelines stated in the thesis’ course description in the Course Catalogue.


The thesis must be submitted via WISEflow.
You can read more about WISEflow under 'Exam > WISEflow'.

When can I access the exam in WISEflow?

Your exam will be available no later than one week before the submission deadline.
You can find relevant information about Master's thesis submission under the exam information in WISEflow.

Submission deadline

The thesis must be submitted before 13.00 on the submission date on your thesis contract.

It is your responsibility to submit your thesis in due time.
Therefore, we recommend that you upload and submit your thesis in good time before the submission deadline. If you submit your thesis too late, it will not be assessed.

Submission format

Generally, your Master's thesis should be submitted as a single PDF file.
However, if you need to hand in any appendices in other formats than PDF, you can do so.


If your thesis includes confidential information or material, it should still be submitted in WISEflow. When submitting you have to state that it is confidential.

Both supervisors and external examiners have a duty of confidentiality in relation to the information they receive during your report and examination.

What happens if I do not submit my thesis?

If you do not submit your thesis by the deadline, it will count as using an examination attempt.

2nd examination attempt

You have to fill out a new thesis contract with a revised problem statement, which must be approved and thereafter, you will get a three-month supplementary deadline.

3rd examination attempt

If the thesis is still not completed after these three months, one additional examination attempt is registered as used, and the deadline is extended again by three months – to the third and last attempt. Once again, you have to fill out a new thesis contract with a revised problem statement, which must be approved.


In connection with your thesis, you will be administratively registered for both the ordinary exam, the 2nd, and 3rd examination attempt.

Good advice for your thesis process

When should I start planning my Master's thesis?

We recommend that you start early on your reflections on your thesis, perhaps already at the beginning of your Master’s degree programme.

  • consider possible directions for your thesis
  • find potential main and co-supervisors

Who can I choose as a supervisor?

Your main supervisor must be a permanent employee at either Natural Sciences or Technical Sciences.

What direction should I choose?

You can seek inspiration in the courses you find exciting, talk to your lecturers or the head of programme.

You can find more inspiration for your choice of topic at

Decide if you wish to do your thesis in collaboration with a company, or perhaps as a group assignment.

Are there any special guidelines for the Master’s thesis at my department?

Find out whether there are any special guidelines at your department – for example regarding scope, structure, possibility for a study seat and/or laboratory space.
Your future supervisor will be able to tell you whether there are any specific guidelines at your department.
You may want to check with your programme coordinator, where and when the thesis is to be submitted. (Find your programme coordinator under 'Contact and Study Service > Programme Coordinators' in the menu)

Main Supervisor – what to expect and be aware of?

The purpose of your main supervisor is to assist you in your thesis in relation to the academic content and process.
Therefore, it is important that you are open and honest with your supervisor in relation to any challenges, questions, and problems during the thesis period.
Your principal supervisor will also take part in your Master's thesis examination.

Alignment of expectations with your supervisors

  • What type of supervision do you need and what does the supervisor offer?
  • Clarify the goals for the thesis – what do you want to achieve both regarding process and assesment?
  • Discuss a draft schedule, frequency of meetings, and table of contents, so you know whether you agree on the direction and disposition of time.
  • What and how much of your report will your supervisor read before submission?

Find out whether there are periods during the thesis, where the supervisor is absent and thus not available for thesis supervision.

Meetings with your supervisor

  • How many meetings can you expect to have during the Master's thesis period? (Please note that there are no rules for the number of meetings etc.)
  • What kind of preparation does each meeting require of you? (For example agenda, draft text, specific questions, etc.)
  • Are there any special phases in the thesis process where you want to meet often/less often?

Partners for discussion

Clarify whether there are other relevant partners of discussion for you, in addition to your main and co-supervisors. Please check to see if others are working within the same area, for example, fellow students, PhD students, etc.

Find more good advice about collaborating with your supervisor at

If you experience any problems

Is the collaboration with your supervisor not working?

First and foremost, talk to your supervisor yourself.
Find out whether your expectations of the supervision process are aligned. Many problems arise if the expectations have not been clearly aligned from the beginning.

You are welcome to contact your student counsellor and find inspiration on how you can approach the challenges, or you can contact your head of programme.

Are you delayed in the process?

It is important that you react immediately if you discover that your thesis process is not proceeding as expected. If you discover the challenges early in the process, you and your supervisor can still make sure that you are able to reach your goal in due time.

You can contact both your supervisor and a student counsellor if you need to discuss your options.

Illness or other exceptional circumstances

If illness or other exceptional circumstances occur during the thesis period, you can apply for an exemption to prolong your thesis period. Applications should be submitted to Nat-Tech Study Administration via under "Exemptions". However, this requires that you are able to document the exceptional circumstances with a medical certificate or other official documentation.
Contact your supervisor or student counsellor and, in consultation with her/him, check your options.

Are you dissatisfied with the end/result of your Master's thesis?

Like other courses, you can submit a complaint over your thesis examination. First, contact your supervisor and clarify the reasons for the result. After this, you can find more information about exam complaints under 'Exam > Examination appeals' if you still wish to submit a complaint.

Resource persons – who can help you?