
Status for replacement exams

An updated exam schedule with your replacement exams will be published this afternoon.

Dear students,

We would like to start by informing you that as of today, we expect to conduct all exams as originally scheduled.

We are also pleased to announce that an updated exam schedule with your replacement exams will be published this afternoon.

You are automatically registered for your replacement exam and will be notified via your AU email.

Can't take your replacement exam?

If you are unable to participate in the planned replacement exam because of the changed date, you can be deregistered and registered for reexamination in February instead.

You must notify us of your withdrawal no later than the day before your replacement exam. If you do not notify us within the deadline, you will be registered for a used examination attempt.

To let us know, write to:

Do you have questions?  
Contact the Student Counselling Service for your degree programme, if you have any questions or are in doubt about how to deal with your exams. 
Email: or find them here: Student Counselling at Aarhus BSS

Best regards  

Aarhus BSS Studies 

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