Molecular Cell Biology A

Molecular Cell Biology A

NOTE: Lectures will be in Danish


The purpose of the course is to bring to the students an insight into subjects and techniques of modern cell biology, and to give the student a basis for understanding the relationship between molecular structure and the biological functions of the cell.

The course is based on the Biology 3/2A and deals with the following subjects: Techniques in cell biology; cell types, cell culture and histology; functions of intracellular organelles and vesicle transport; cytoskeleton; cell cycle; extracellular matrix and cell adhesion; cellular mechanisms in differentiation and organ development; cancer. Both animal and plant cell biology will be covered.

At the laboratory course (2 weeks), the students will have the opportunity to try modern techniques in selected subjects related to the biology of animal and plant cells.


B. Alberts et al.: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd ed., 1994.


1 written examination (4 hours, with the text book, 13-scale)



