Genetics and Population Ecology

Genetics and Population Ecology

4 lectures, 3 discussion hours weekly, Spring Term, 2nd year

Departments of Ecology & Genetics and of Microbial Ecology.


1. Genetics and Population Genetics - 24 lectures, 21 hours problem solving/discussion.

An introduction to Mendelian genetics and genetics at the population level.Lecture topics: Mendelian analysis, chromosome theory of inheritance, extensions to Mendelian analysis, linkage and recombination, gene mutation, chromosome mutations, Hardy-Weinberg law, selection, mutation-selection balance, migration, inbreeding, genetic drift, Wahlund efffect, inheritance of quantitative characters.

2. Population Ecology - 24 lectures, 18 discussion hours.

An introduction to ecology at the population and community levels. Lecture topics: Life history tables, demography, models of population growth, the niche concept, niche overlap, intraspecific and interspecific competition, predation, parasitism and mutualism models, key-factor-analysis, harvesting and conservation, community structure, patch dynamics.


Griffths "An Introduction to Genetic Analysis" (1999), Freeman, 7th edition

Siegismund "Populationsgenetik" 3rd edition (1995)

Begon, Harper & Townsend "Ecology" (1996) Blackwell Science. 3rd edition.



1 written examination (13-scale)

