Molecular Biotechnology

Molecular Biotechnology
(Former known as Gene Technology)

The aim of the course is to familiarise the students with modern biotech at the molecular level and the use of biotech in bio-medico research and development. The course is organised in two parts. Part one: A number of published "case-project" within the fields of Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Nucleic Acid Related Biotech, Protein Related Biotech, and Stem Cell & Tissue Related Biotech will be presented in a series of lectures and the underlying technologies considered in a series of student seminars. The student seminars shall require a high degree of active participation of the students. Part two: In the second part of the course the student are to plan and conduct a "vitual" biotech project from a given theme. The course is finished by the submission of a project-thesis.

Original papers, reviews and protocols.

Obligatory program
Active participation in the student seminars and submission of project-thesis.

Michael Etzerodt and others.

Evaluation of the project-thesis (13-scale)


