Aarhus University centres on Active Learning

Centre for Science Education at Aarhus University will in June gather Danish and international teachers and researchers for a symposium about teaching, which presents knowledge about and experiences with Active Learning, including the use of clickers.

[Translate to English:] Den anerkendte fysikprofessor Eric Mazur fra Harvard Universitetet gæster Aarhus Universitet i forbindelse med symposiet. Han har mere end 20 års erfaring med forskning i og udvikling af aktiv læring i form af ”peer instruction”.
[Translate to English:] Det er blandt andet clickere som denne, der kan bidrage til at gøre undervisningen mere aktiv. Underviseren kan stille de studerende spørgsmål, som de så svarer på via deres clicker. På den måde kan underviseren blandt andet sikre sig, at de studerende har fået maksimalt ud af undervisningen og blive opmærksom på, hvis noget skal uddybes. På Symposiet "Clickers, Peer Instruction and the Inverted Classroom" på Aarhus Universitet vil førende forskere inden for feltet dele deres viden og erfaringer med aktiv læring.
[Translate to English:] På symposiet kan man også mødeprofessor og dekan for læring og undervisning Simon Bates fra University of Edingburgh.
[Translate to English:] Den anerkendte fysikprofessor Eric Mazur fra Harvard Universitetet gæster Aarhus Universitet i forbindelse med symposiet. Han har mere end 20 års erfaring med forskning i og udvikling af aktiv læring i form af ”peer instruction”.
[Translate to English:] På symposiet kan man også mødeprofessor og dekan for læring og undervisning Simon Bates fra University of Edingburgh.

Centre for Science Education is for the first time hosting an annual symposium called Frontiers in Science Teaching. The topic this year is “Clickers, Peer Instruction and the Inverted Classroom” and centres on Active Learning – a teaching method that has received a lot of attention internationally and at Aarhus University.

Dean, Brian Bech Nielsen, is thrilled that Aarhus University can contribute to put Active Learning on the agenda. The dean explains:

- It is a great pleasure for me to bid welcome to the first Frontiers in Science Teaching symposium. Education of young people is the university’s most vital contribution to society, and it is important to constantly develop and improve our already successful educations and teaching methods. I hope that colleagues from Aarhus University and from other institutions will participate in the symposium so we can create a fruitful foundation for exchange of knowledge, techniques, ideas, and experience about teaching.

Acknowledged international researchers participate

The symposium will be a chance to meet, among others, the acknowledged Professor of Physics, Eric Mazur from Harvard University, who has more than 20 years of experience with research in and development of Active Learning in the shape of peer instruction.

Furthermore, it will be possible to experience Professor and Dean of Learning and Teaching, Simon Bates from University of Edinburgh, plus local teaching innovators from Aarhus University, who will make short presentations inspired by Harvard Thinks Big Talks and TED Talks. Finally, participators will have the opportunity to hear about experiences with the use of clickers in a wide range of educational purposes within all four main areas of Aarhus University: Arts, Business and Social Science, Health, and Science and Technology.

The symposium is held in collaboration with Turning Technologies and takes place at Aarhus University, June 18-19, 2012.

Read more about the symposium and the speakers