Better exam facilities for written exams from 2025

A large exam building with 11 exam halls and room for 1,100 students will replace AU’s current exam venues across Aarhus. The new exam halls will be specially furnished for written exams.

The new building will be ready in 2025 and will ensure that all AU students can benefit from the same good technical facilities in their written exams. Photo: Lars Kruse

Soon you will always know where to go for your written exams in Aarhus. From 2025, all written exams will take place in one location, instead of at different venues across the city, like Trøjborgvej, Finlandsgade, Fuglesangs Allé and Åbogade. So regardless of which written exam you’re taking, you know it will be in a building with better facilities that AU’s current exam venues.

“With these new exam halls, we can give all students the same good technical facilities as well as a good indoor climate, lighting and acoustics. All of this will help the students concentrate on what is most important – the academic part of their exam. Being able to conduct all written exams in one building is a vision we’ve had for a long time, and I’m delighted that we can now look forward to realising it,” says pro-rector for education, Berit Eika.

As well as offering better facilities, the new exam halls will also solve the space shortage issue in AU’s current exam venues and make it easier to plan exams.

Location – how to get there

The exam building site is in Lisbjerg. It is connected to the super bike lane between Lisbjerg and Aarhus, and it is half a kilometre from the nearest light rail (letbane) stop and close to a bus stop. It is also close to the motorway. There will be parking spaces for bicycles and cars next to the building.

Sustainable solutions

In order to reduce energy consumption, the new building will be constructed with sustainable and energy-friendly materials, and the infrastructure for solar cells will be put in place.

It is also expected that costs associated with exam supervisors, IT support and planning will be reduced once all of AU’s on-site exams are under one roof.

Exam building facilities

The new exam building will offer:

  • 11 large halls with room for approx. 100 students each as well as 9-10 private rooms for students with special educational needs.
  • room for 1,100 students and a total area of approx. 6,100 square metres.
  • a large entrance hall (where ID checks will take place) as well as toilets, a kitchenette, a store room, a cleaning room and offices for exam supervisors and IT supporters.
  • good heat regulation, ventilation, acoustics and lighting (with no direct sunlight on the students).
  • stable wireless internet with a large bandwidth.
  • one power outlet per exam desk.
  • accessible facilities for people with disabilities.
  • parking for both bicycles and cars.

A user group including representatives from the faculties, AU Student Administration and Services, and the Student Council have all provided input as to which facilities the new exam halls should offer.

The building is being constructed by Aarhus University Research Foundation’s property company, FEAS, which rents premises to Aarhus University.