Voice your opinion on the study environment

In week 43 (25-31 October), the Danish Student Survey will begin. The survey will be sent to students on all Danish higher education degree programmes by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science. Your response is important for AU’s ongoing quality assurance of your study and teaching environment.

When you open your e-Boks or AU inbox in week 43, there will be post from the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science. The national survey – the Danish Student Survey – will be waiting for your response.

You will be asked about your academic and social well-being, teaching outcomes, experiences with stress and loneliness, sexism and much more. And your answers are important. By expressing your opinion, you will help to provide valuable knowledge for ongoing work to maintain and improve the study and teaching environment on your degree programme.

You will also help future fellow students to choose a programme. The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science will use the results to update Degree Programme Zoom, an online tool enabling prospective students to compare degree programmes across education institutions.

How the results will be used

The Danish Student Survey is a new title that the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science will be using as a general term for the student surveys they use for the Learning Questionnaire and Degree Programme Zoom. Responses will also be used in AU's ongoing quality assurance and form the basis for the university's assessment of the teaching environment every three years – next time in 2023.

The scope of the questionnaire varies from year to year, depending on what AU will use the results for. This year, the questionnaire is shorter than in 2020, when the results formed the basis for the assessment of the teaching environment currently followed up on at degree programme level.

In future, you will receive the Danish Student Survey every other year.

About the Danish Student Survey

  • The Danish Student Survey will be sent to students on Danish higher education degree programmes by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.
  • The survey will be conducted by Epinion and will be sent as an electronic questionnaire to students in e-Boks and via AU email – the first time in week 43. The deadline for replying to the questionnaire is 15 December, and the results are expected to be published in spring 2022.
  • The Danish Student Survey will be carried out every other year, and AU will use the responses in ongoing quality assurance of the study and teaching environment. Every three years, the results will form the basis for AU's assessment of the teaching environment – next time in 2023.
  • Up to 2017, AU carried out its own study environment survey, and in 2020 the survey was integrated into the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science’s surveys for the first time. See previous surveys here (link).

Read more about the student survey at: https://studerende.au.dk/en/student-survey/ (updated regularly).