Data Compression


Data Compression

Since the invention of computers 50 years ago, data compression has been essential for saving storage space and communication bandwidth. The fact that available space and bandwidth keeps increasing does not change the importance of compression; people tend to use whatever resources are available to their limit (and further). While the focus has moved from compression of text to compression of, say, digital video, the fundamental techniques remain the same, with important domain specific variations. With the current boom of the internet, the commercial value of good compression schemes, fine-tuned to specific multimedia applications, is enormous.

In this course, we shall move from the basic theoretical foundation of compression algorithms (Shannon's information theory) over text compression to compression of pictures, sounds and motion pictures, covering mathematical, algorithmic, and practical issues. Besides "pure" compression issues we shall also touch upon other technical issues related to transmitting real time data, such as a movie, over the internet.


Peter Bro Miltersen and Sven Skyum

