Analysis 2

Analysis 2

4 hours of lectures and exercises per week.


Henrik Stetkær


  • We cite from the preface of the text book that we shall use in the course: ``The
    material contained in this book falls under Kelley's label: What Every Young
    Analyst Should Know

  • The course deals with the interplay between topological structures and vector space
    structures as exemplified by Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces. It is an introduction
    to functional analysis which is the study of topological vector spaces and linear
    operators between them.

  • We discuss general topology and apply it to weak topologies. Afterwards we prove
    the three basic principles of functional analysis: The closed graph theorem, the
    uniform bounded principle and the Hahn-Banach extension theorem. Furthermore
    we give an introduction to the theory of Banach algebras.

  • Prerequisites:

    Analysis 1.


    Gert K. Pedersen: Analysis Now, Springer-Verlag 1989.