

2 point

En introduktion til Krystal-struktur, Krystal-kemi og mekaniske egenskaber af geologiske og beslægtede tekniske materialer (cement, keramik).

Introduction to space-groups and the representation of crystal structures. Electronic structure of atoms. Chemical bonding in solids; the concept of ion radius; bond strength and bond length. Alternative descriptions of structures: close packing, polyhedral approach based on Paulings rules, polytypism, crystal shear and polysomatic description. Discussion of some selected silicate structures. Systematic crystal chemistry. Introduction to crystal defects: types of defects, defect energy and mobility, influence on macroscopic properties of crystals. Mechanical properties of crystals: Stress/strain. Elastic deformation: Hook's law. Permanent deformation: viscoelastic, plastic and brittle solids, yield stress, work hardening, creep. Recrystallization, grain growth.

Undervisningsform og omfang:
2 f/uge + 2 ø/uge

Obl. program:
Øvelser med afleveringsopgaver.

Bestået 1. del.

4 timers skriftlig prøve. Bedømmelse efter 13-skalaen under medvirken af censor.