Analysis II

Analysis II

4 hours of lectures per week.

The main part of this B-course is concerned with the theory of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces. In particular we shall give a detailed treatment of the spectral theorem for a bounded normal operator and of functions of such an operator, based on the theory of the spectrum of elements of Banach-algebras. On the one hand the course will discuss several of the topics of Mathematics 10 and Analysis 1 from a more abstract point of view. The course will put these topics into perspective and thus give the participants a better understanding of them. On the other hand the course is basic for anyone interested in further studies in analysis. There will be at least one continuation of the course in the Spring term 2001. For an impression of the topic the reader may consult the monograph John B. Conway: "A course in Functional Analysis." Second edition. Graduate Texts in Mathematics no. 96. Springer-Verlag, New York 1990.
Analysis 1.
Probably notes