Femtosecond studies of atoms, molecules, liquids, and solids

Cross-disciplinary C-course, (Chemistry and Physics):
"Femtosecond studies of atoms, molecules, liquids, and solids"

The femtosecond time-scale is relevant for a number of fundamental processes in physics, chemistry and biology. This time scale has only recently become accessible to experiments through the advent of short-pulse lasers.
In the course, we will teach the basic properties of femtosecond lasers on a level that allows for an understanding of subsequent experiments. The main focus of the course is on the application of femtosecond time-resolved techniques in physics and chemistry. Through a number of examples, picked to represent a reasonably broad scope of methods and fields, we will learn about the complimentary kind of information that time-resolved studies can provide.
The course is based on closely-connected lectures and problem-solving classes. High priority is given to the student presentations at the end of the course.

Some basic knowledge of lasers, for instance corresponding to "Ak.9 Laserkemi" or "Bf.25 Optisk Fysik".

Teaching material
"Femtosecond laser Pulses, principles and experiments", Claude Rullière (Ed.), Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 1998 and journal papers.

Structure of the course
Two hours of lectures and two hours of problem solving per week. The evaluation is a pass/fail on the basis of participation in the class. In addition, each participant will give a short (20-30 min) oral presentation at the end of the course.


Peter Balling (Physics), Søren Keiding (Chemistry) and Henrik Stapelfeldt (Chemistry).

