Modelling, simulation and Analysis

Modelling, Simulation and Analysis

Today many systems are distributed and have a complexity which makes them very hard to design and understand. The systems can be physical systems (e.g., manufacturing systems with conveyer belts, machines,...) or computer systems (e.g., distributed systems with shared resources and synchronization). The aim of this course is to give an understanding of how we can build models of such systems, and use analysis of simulation results to reveal important information on the behavior of the system.

Different realistic examples of systems will be presented stressing:
problem formulation
model construction
model validation
preparation of simulation runs (design of experiments)
results (conclusions based on simulation results)

General rules for dimensioning and structuring of systems are aimed at. Some of these rules can be formally verified using queueing theory, but the course will only leave time for a short presentation hereof.

The course is open for students from both Department of Computer Science and Department of Operations Research, and the idea is to combine the expertises from the participants to solve realistic problems.

Computer Science: Distributed Systems (dDist). (It is possible to take dDist and this course simultaneously).

Operations Research: Probability 1 and Statistics 1. (It is possible to take Statistics 1 and this course simultaneously). An advisable qualification is OR Techniques for Operations Management (Produktionsplanlægning in Danish.)

A.M Law and W.D. Kelton: Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000.

The course is commuted via participation in the lectures and approval of the project report. This report can be accepted as a bachelor project report and will then be accessed according to the 13 scale.


Spring 2003.