Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming

Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming

This course will cover a number of aspects of object-orientation that have not been covered by dPaSS (earlier dProg2) and dEkspSys (earlier dSA).  We will primarily focus on object-oriented programming languages. The main features and differences between object-oriented languages such as Smalltalk, C++, CLOS, Eiffel, Beta, Java and Self will be treated.  Special emphasis will be given to Self.

Besides programming languages, other elements of object-orientation will be included. Possible subjects are object-oriented analysis, design and implementation; principles and implementation techniques used for dispatch and other language mechanisms; patterns, aspects, and frameworks; and program manipulation.

Part of the course will be a practical project carried out in Self or Squeak.  The projects should illustrate various aspects of object-orientation and the result of the project should be a report discussing the experience.

Erik Ernst

Course notes and articles

dPaSS and dEkspSys or equivalent courses

Course Language
Danish (or English, depending on the participants)

Project report

ECTS credits
10 points
