Knot Theory, 3-Manifolds and Quantum Invariants

Knot Theory, 3-Manifolds and Quantum Invariants

3-4 hours of lectures per week.


Gregor Masbaum


A knot is a simple closed curve in $3$-space, or, more generally, in any $3$-dimensional manifold. Two such knots are considered equivalent if one can be deformed into the other. Thus, knot theory is part of topology: we are only interested in the topological properties of knots. To show that two given knots are not equivalent one needs knot invariants. A classical example of a knot invariant is the knot group (the fundamental group of the complement of the knot). Other invariants include the famous knot polynomials invented by Jones, Kauffman, and others. These are called quantum invariants because of their relationship both with quantum groups and with quantum field theory. They can be generalized to quantum invariants of arbitrary $3$-manifolds as well. The aim of the course is to give an introduction to this rich and beautiful theory.


Topologi 1


A literature list will be made available at start of the course


Students who do not intend to take a degree in Mathematics or Statistics from the University of Aarhus, but wish to earn credits for a 2.dels course from the Department of Mathematics, should indicate at the beginning of the course that they wish to be examined.
The form of examination for these students will be active participation together with oral or written contributions.




Spring 2004