STADS kører igen planmæssigt, og du kan nu tilmelde dig forårets undervisning og eksamen. Fristen for tilmelding er torsdag den 7. november kl. 23.59.
In the Molecular Physics group we study biological light-absorbing molecules, chromophores, in the gas phase. The quantum physcial properties of bio-chromophores are probed by studying the response of photon-absorption using pulsed lasers and electrostatic storage rings ELISA and SAPHIRA.
You are welcome to join our group for projects of any length, from one-year masters projects to single-day exercises. The content will be tuned to your interests and can include (but are not limited to)
• Using, Improving and developing ion traps and accelerator equipment.
• Designing optical setups for pulsed nano-second and femto-second lasers.
• Improving current and developing new control (LabVIEW) and data analysis (Matlab) software.
• Action spectroscopy of molecules in the gas phase using cutting edge techniques.
• Ultrafast pump-probe experiments using femtosecond laser pulses.
• Quantum Chemical modelling of large molecules using Gaussian or Firefly program packages.
For further information contact
Lars H. Andersen