Virtual Career Fair

Info about event


Wednesday 20 April 2022,  at 14:15 - 16:15


SDU Kolding, Universitetsparken 1, Kolding, Danmark og online via AU Jobbank Career Fair 2022 is a fair, arranged exclusively for students and recent graduates from SDU, AAU and AU, so you can meet with companies and talk about jobs, student jobs, project collaboration or internships. 

The event takes place at SDU Kolding, but You can also participate online on AU Jobbank. 

If You would like to go to Kolding, You can apply for money to the transport. See how to here: 

// Before the event 

A week prior to the fair, you can explore the offerings at the fair. This includes:  

- Browse jobs, internships and projects 

- Book 1:1 chats (companies have setup both digital and physical) 

- Plan your day (update you calendar with breakout rooms and presentations)   

// During the event 

The event is Hybrid so all companies will have a digital stall and most will be present at the physical location.  

On the day of the fair, you can talk with companies about possible future collaborations.  

On the event page you can see the topics that companies want to chat about, and companies have the opportunity to actively reach out via the system, so update your jobbank profile.  

You can visit the companies' stalls, join breakout rooms or watch the presentations (online and on location) 

The communication at the fair will be in both or either Danish and English – it’s up to you and the companies.  

// Now 

Sign up and get closer to the job market. It's free, and it's exclusively for students and graduates. 
Download the event app here: Career Fair is arranged in a collaboration between Graduateland and the University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University, Aarhus University and IT-vest - networking universities 

// Sign Up 

You sign up here: