Dear master thesis writing students who are going to write your master thesis in the spring. It is now time to apply for a thesis writing place at the…
AU is launching a new version of AU Studypedia to support your student well-being and improve your study skills during your time at university. On AU…
Are you collecting qualitative data/empirical evidence for your assignment? Some of it may be sensitive personal information? And does it seem…
Join us for an inspiring session tailored to all Linguistics students, both bachelor's and master's.
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 16 and 17 November 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
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Kære Nordisk KA studerende
Kom til Praktik-café-møde – få inspiration og en bid kage! 🎓☕🍰
📅 Dato: 11. februar ⏰ Tid: 14.15-16.00 📍 Sted: Lokale…
Dear Students,
We are pleased to invite you to the first session of our new drop-in group for students with diagnoses, studying Linguistics and…
Kære kandidatstuderende på Nordisk og Oplevelsesøkonomi!
Vi har en spændende mulighed til jer! Vi har samlet en række virksomheder og organisationer,…
Kom godt igennem eksamen med studievejledningens bedste råd og fif til at planlægge en god eksamensperiode.
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