Job Search: CV and Application (ENG)

To capture the employer's attention, your application and your CV must show how you can create value for your future workplace with your skills, knowledge and experience.

Info about event


Tuesday 9 April 2019,  at 15:15 - 17:00


Aarhus, Studenterhus Aarhus


Arts Karriere and Studenterhus Aarhus

To capture the employer's attention, your application and your CV must show how you can create value for your future workplace with your skills, knowledge and experience.

For this event you get insight into different CV and application types and are well dressed to make them as good as possible.

To give you a presentation on the subject, you will meet a job consultant from Jobcenter Aarhus. The presentation will give you knowledge about what is important in a good job application and how you make a good and useful CV. We will also discuss what the companies focus on in the selection process.

The presentation will also give you specific tools and inspiration on how to build a good application and a good CV and present your skills as good as possible.

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