
The examination will be conducted on Friday 5 January 2024!

We will conduct all exams tomorrow, Friday 5th January 2024, unless a completely unexpected situation arises during the night, where the police again advise against all non-essential travel due to dangerous weather.

Dear Students,

We allow ourselves to be cautiously optimistic. We will conduct all exams tomorrow, Friday 5th January 2024, unless a completely unexpected situation arises during the night, where the police again advise against all non-essential travel due to dangerous weather. If contrary to expectations, we must cancel exams tomorrow, we will send out messages via Brightspace and study portals as early as possible on Friday morning. Cancelled exams will of course not count as a used examination attempt.

In case you are unable to turn up for your exam tomorrow due to the weather situation, you can apply for a dispensation to have your examination attempt cancelled and go directly to the reexamination in February.

You will find guidance on how to apply for dispensation on your study portal under Student counselling/Dispensations.

Do you have questions?
Contact the Student Counselling Service for your degree programme if you have any questions or are in doubt about how to deal with your exams in the coming days.
Email: or find them here: Student Counselling at Aarhus BSS.

As the weather situation is constantly evolving, we encourage you to stay informed via the study portals and Brightspace.

Best regards

Aarhus BSS Studies

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