Company Collaboration Project

Here you will find information about how to perform a Company Collaboration Project.

You can read about Company Collaboration Projects in your own degree programme in the information below and on the course page in the Course Catalogue.

Before starting the project, you must remember to make a contract for a Company Collaboration Project in The Contract Generator.  

Special information for Chemistry and Medical chemistry

Company project contract

Before starting the project, you must sign a Company Collaboration contract 

You must enter the mandatory information in the form: 

  • information about the student 

  • name and email address of the main supervisor at the Department of Chemistry 

  • information about the company and the project leader from the company 

  • project title (just enter a working title, you can always change it later) 

  • framework of the project (number of ECTS and submission deadline. The deadline must be agreed upon with you supervisor, but the project must be assessed no later than the last day of the exam period) 

  • a description of the project - use this template

Link to the contract generator