Aarhus BSS Student Services - Economics

Opening hours in July

In the month of July you can meet us in Tåsingegade.

We are closed for the summer holidays in week 29 (15.-19. July), but you can reach us the rest of July between 9.00-11.00 am on all weekdays.

Emails will be answered between 9-13.

What type of help do Aarhus BSS Student Services offer?

Please contact Aarhus BSS Student Services if you have practical and administrative questions in relation to your degree programme.

We can help you with:

  • Transcripts of grades
  • Verification of degree programme
  • Confirmation of enrolment
  • Questions on course- and exam registrations
  • Where to find guidance about submission of applications for dispensation and examination appeals
  • How to use the study portals and the Stads self-service system
  • When you do not know how to contact the the Aarhus BSS student administration

If you have any questions regarding your specific study programme or your study welfare, please contact the student counsellors on your degree programme. You can find contact information in the table below.

These days will be closed

We are closed on all public holidays (incl. 5 June), during Easter and week 29, and from 23 December - 1 January (both days included).

Help with Digital self-service

Log in to mystudies.au.dk to gain access to the Student Self-Service (STADS) where you can:

  • Print a transcript of your passed grades
  • Print a transcript for confirmation of enrolment
  • Check your grades
  • Check your registrations
  • Check your maximum period of study

The Study administration Aarhus BSS Studies

Contact Mail Phone

Course and exam registration (bachelor)

Bente Østergaard Hansen bachelor.bss@au.dk    9352 1592
Course and exam registration (bachelor) Gitte Lilliendahl Nielsen bachelor.bss@au.dk    9352 1639

Course and exam registration (Master)  

Runa Kortsen kandidat.bss@au.dk    9352 2318
Board of Studies Support and Advisory Services Nora M. Andersson noma@au.dk  9350 8282
Exemptions, credit transfer and preliminary approval   Sofie Veje sofiev@au.dk  9350 8177
Examination complaints Tina Lindhardt   tln@au.dk 9352 2338
Student counselling  Student counsellors counsellor@econ.au.dk 9352 2698
Student welfare counselling  Julie Skytte Kornum juliek@au.dk 9352 1320
Study administrator (BSc. in Economics & Management) Anne Vang Kryger akry@econ.au.dk  8716 4897
Study administrator (MSc. in Economics & Management)  Karina Rasmussen kr@econ.au.dk  8715 9695