
Do you have a physical or mental disability?

Apply for special conditions at the exams, summer 2024.

If you have a physical or mental impairment, you can apply for exemption to special exam conditions.

You must submit an application to the Board of studies as soon as possible and no later than six weeks before your first exam.

Read on the study portal how to apply
Here you will find answers to these questions:

  • Which documentation is needed?
  • When should I apply and when can I expect an answer.

Read about the application procedures at your study portal’s page on special exam conditions. You’ll find the information under ‘Student counselling’ – ‘Exemption’ – ‘Special exam conditions’.

If you have been offered an automatic assignment
If you have received an offer of automatic assignment of special exam conditions, you will receive an offer and a decision via Digital Mail during February.

Do you need guidance?
Please contact the counsellor’s office, if you are in need of guidance or have questions.


Best regards,

Aarhus BSS Studies

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