
Registration for Elective courses spring 2023

Remember to register for electives courses from 1-5 November!

If you want to take elective courses in the spring 2023 semester, It is time to prepare your registrations.

Check your study portal under ' Teaching '/'Course registration ', where we have described the steps you need to take to register for elective courses.

  • The registration period is from November 1- 5, 2022.

You must register in Self-Service (STADS) via

Your course registration is binding. Please use the Study Portal and the course descriptions to examine your options, before making your final decision.

Your registration for Compulsory courses in the Spring 2023 will not be visible at the Student Self-Service until November 1, 2022.

You are welcome to contact your student counsellors if you have questions in relation to planning your studies.


Best regards
Aarhus BSS Studies Administration

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