Building Services is the unit responsible for the buildings, including:
North-Eastern Corner | Fuglesangs Allé | Herning | |
Building 1320-1448 | Building 2610-2641 | Building 8000-8003 | |
Monday-Thursday | 07:00 – 18:00 | 07:00 – 22:00 | 08:00 – 17:00 |
Friday | 07:00 – 18:00 | 07:00 – 18:00 | 08:00 – 17:00 |
Saturday | 07:30 – 17:00 |
During holidays, changes to the opening hours may occur.
Your student ID card can be activated to access university buildings outside normal opening hours. To activate your card, complete the online form available on the university's website. After activation, the card is valid for two years. If you need access to department-specific study areas or other facilities, please contact the relevant department or maintenance office.
If you need access to department-specific study areas/common rooms or to other areas, please contact the relevant department or maintenance office.
1324/1325 - Entrance (passage from the Park to Nørrebrogade)
1325 - Entrance from the Ringgade intersection
1326 - Study spaces, entrance 1326 park and 1325
1332 - Study spaces, 3rd floor, entrance 1332 south
1351 - BSS Library
1350 - Study spaces, ground floor
1410/1411 - Entrance at the Main Building
Tunnel - Tunnel under Ringgaden (passage from the Park to Ringgaden)
Entrance (passage from the Park to Nørrebrogade)
Entrance from the Ringgade intersection
Study spaces, entrance 1326 park and 1325
Study spaces, 3rd floor, entrance 1332 south
BSS Library
Tunnel under Ringgaden (passage from the Park to Ringgaden)
Study spaces, ground floor
Entrance at the Main Building
Underground car park
Connecting bridge to building 2636
West Entrance
1st floor, South Middle entrance
1st floor, East entrance
1st floor, glass entrance East
2nd floor, connecting bridge
5th floor, open study spaces
Library main entrance
Library exit
End door
Middle door
Door opposite the delivery area
Library entrance
Main entrance
Basement door
2610 - Underground car park
2610 - Connecting bridge to building 2636
2610 - West Entrance
2610 - 1st floor, South Middle entrance
2610 - 1st floor, East entrance
2610 - 1st floor, glass entrance East
2610 - 2nd floor, connecting bridge
2610 - 5th floor, open study spaces
2623 - Library main entrance
2623 - 2628 - Library exit
2623 - 2627 - Gate
2627 - End door
2627 - Courtyard
2627 - Middle door
2628 - Door opposite the delivery area
2628 - 2623 - Library entrance
2636 - Main entrance
2636 - Basement door
Alarm Instructions:
All buildings are equipped with alarm instructions that guide you on how to act in catastrophic or life-threatening situations.
General Safety Precautions:
For your own safety, as well as that of your fellow students and the buildings, it is important that you only grant yourself access using your student ID card. If you and a fellow student need to use the buildings outside normal opening hours, both of you must carry an active student ID card. You may be asked to present your student ID card when inside AU's buildings. Additionally, never leave valuables unattended. Always contact the local maintenance staff if you suspect individuals or situations that may pose a security threat. Remember to close windows when leaving a room and ensure doors are closed when exiting a building.
For more detailed information, please refer to the original page on Aarhus University's website.
All information about what to do in an emergency for students at Aarhus University is collated at here and this also applies for Aarhus BSS.
The maintenance and cleaning staff, along with the gardeners, cannot handle all the cleaning tasks alone. Therefore, as a student, you are expected to:
Please contact Aarhus BSS Building Services with questions about other types of waste, including metal.
As a student, you can significantly contribute to energy conservation. Saving energy benefits the environment and can lead to substantial financial savings for a large organization like Aarhus University.
What can you do to save energy?
Turn off lights when leaving an empty room.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
Inform the local maintenance staff if you notice a running toilet or similar issues.
Turn off the radiator when airing out a room.
Parking facilities and rules vary between different areas of campus.
The University Park includes Tåsingegade, Fredrik Nielsen Vej and Trøjborgvej.