Student life and Facilities

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AU Library

Bartholins Allé (the university park)

At AU Library, Bartholins Allé you will primarily find books and journals on: psychology, political science and law. However, you are free to make use of all service locations at AU Library.

We have compiled the information that is most relevant to you as a student at On these pages you can read about information seeking, plagiarism, home access to electronic resources, subject guides, etc.

Address: Bartholins Allé 11, 8000 Aarhus C
Tel.: 9135 6481

Fuglesangs Allé

At AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé you will primarily find books and journals on: law, economics, business administration and management. However, you are free to make use of all service locations at AU Library.

We have compiled the information that is most relevant to you as a student at On these pages you can read about information seeking, plagiarism, home access to electronic resources, subject guides, etc.

Address: Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V
Tel.: 9135 6485

Birk Centerpark, Herning

At AU Library, Herning you will primarily find books and journals on: engineering, management, marketing and economics. However, you are free to make use of all service locations at AU Library.

We have compiled the information that is most relevant to you as a student at On these pages you can read about information seeking, plagiarism, home access to electronic resources, subject guides, etc.

Address: Birk Centerpark 15, 7400 Herning
Tel.: 9135 6498

Additional information

Find more information about opening hours, services and facilities on the webpage of the library: AU Library


You can buy your books online at You can find lists with the books you need for your first semester at the website.

You can buy the books before the introduction week, but it will also be possible to talk to your tutors about it in the introduction week, if you have any questions.



Fuglesangs Allé 4
Building 2610
8210 Aarhus V

On Caf'Inns website you can find their opening hours and menu. 

Aarhus BSS Kantinen

Bartholins Allé 8
Building 1321
8000 Aarhus C

See menu on Compass Groups webpage about canteens at AU (in Danish)

Canteen AU Herning

Birk Centerpark 40
7400 Herning

Student associations

There are many AU student associations to choose from if you would like to be active alongside your studies.