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Campus Navitas

Below you can find practical information about Navitas.


Access to the building


How to get to Navitas

Inge Lehmanns Gade 10,
8000 Aarhus C
Building number 3210

Navitas is open Monday to Thursday from 7.00-17.30 and Friday from 07.00 and 16.30. After this time, you must use your student/access card to get in to and around in the building. Use your pin followed by #. At the main entrance, the card reader is placed to the left of the revolving doors and you get access to the building via the revolving door to the left. To leave the building, press on the button on one of the two revolving doors.

Parking and bicycle storage

Car park

The car park below the Navitas building consists of two levels. Level -01 is open to the general public with 450 spaces and a payment system. Level -02 is a private car park for the employees and teachers at Navitas. These spaces are clearly marked with the name of the owner.

Students are not allowed to use the private car park and cars without a permit will be issued a parking fee or removed at the owner's expense.

Bicycle storage

Bicycles can be stored in the basement storage for bicycles (level -01). The ramp to the bicycle storage is in front of the main entrance. There is room for 1,000 bicycles. The bicycle storage is open from 7.30-16.00. After 16.00, you must use your student/access card. Use your pin followed by #.

Bicycles may under no circumstances be brought inside the building. You are allowed to carry scooters, skateboards and the similar inside the building. It is not allowed to run on scooters, skateboards or the similar in the building.

Access to labs

Access to labs is granted via your teacher/supervisor.

Booking rooms

Canteen at Navitas

Please note that you must return the used service in the canteen after use.

Facility management

If you experience problems, faults or imperfections in the building, please contact facility management situated close to the main entrance. Here, you can also find information on how to contact the facility management outside of opening hours.

IT support, printing and wireless internet

IT helpdesk
You can find the IT helpdesk on the third floor in room 03.205. You can also contact the helpdesk at


Access to wireless internet The wireless internet at is called Eduroam. Read more.


You cannot have private mail sent to an AU address.

In relation to project work, it may be necessary to have mail/packages sent to Navitas from companies. In this case, please make sure that the following is stated clearly on the package: Aarhus University/Name of department, name of recipient, student number and address.


The equipment in the fitness room consists of new machines from Team Hyldahl and the equipment from DSR/IHA at Dalgas Avenue. Team Hyldahl has also been involved in deciding on the layout of the room.

To use the fitness room, you must be a member. The membership is 300 kr. for 6 months. The amount must be transferred to the following bank account:

Registration number: 4387
Account number: 1155 0754

IMPORTANT: Please write ONLY your student number under “text for receiver” in the bank transfer.

If you transfer the money before the 20th of a month, you get access to the fitness room from the 1st of the following month and for the next 6 months. The right of cancellation no longer applies when you have transferred the membership fee.

How to use the equipment
The fitness room will not have an instructor connected to it, but there will be guides at each exercise station. It may be possible to set up an agreement with an instructor at a later stage. This will not be covered by the membership fee mentioned above.

You use the equipment at your own risk which means that you must draw up your own accident and third-party insurance if you wish to be covered by an insurance if you are injured or cause someone else to be injured while using the fitness room.

Opening hours
You will have access to the fitness room 24 hours a day.

There is room for 30 people so the room/equipment may be fully booked at peak times.



Morten Aaby, 

David Graadal,

Smoking and e-cigarettes

Smoking is allowed outside the building at least 3 metres from the entrances. This also applies for the area around the main entrance facing Skolebakken.

Smoking including e-cigarettes is not allowed in the Navitas building, in the atria, on the terraces or around the building in a distance of 3 meters. Any type of smoke or steam will activate the smoke detectors in the building.

Also, the users of the building will experience inconveniences if these rules are not respected as the ventilation system has inlets in the building's facade, and smoke may also come in through open windows.

Safety and fire

All users of the building must be mindful of his or her own safety as well as the safety of others. Make sure to read safety and user instructions carefully before using any equipment.

The building is equipped with an acoustic warning system that will inform the users of the building of what to do in case of fire. The building is also equipped with a sprinkler system that will start fighting the fire automatically.