Study portals


Exams cancelled Thursday 4 January!

We are sorry that we must cancel exams today Thursday 4 January 2024.

Dear students,

The weather situation has evolved since we sent you the information yesterday and local authorities advise against non-essential travel until 2 pm. Therefore, both students and the exam supervisors have difficulties getting there. Unfortunately, this means that we must cancel the written on-site exams in Aarhus and Herning today, Thursday 4th January 2024.

Your department will inform you if it will be possible to conduct oral exams online.

Cancelled exams today will of course not count as a used exam attempt. 

If you, due to the weather situation could not show up for an on-site oral exam today, you can apply for dispensation to have your examination attempt cancelled.

You will find guidance on how to apply for dispensation on your study portal under Student counselling/Dispensations.

We will inform you as soon as possible about when you will be able to conduct your exams.

We are sorry that we again must cancel exams.


Best regards,

Aarhus BSS Studies

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