Tropical Rainforest Ecology

Tropical Rainforest Ecology

To provide the understanding of species richness, niche diversity, and special biological problems in tropical rainforests.

The course will present the special conditions for life in tropical rainforest, including plant life forms, animal life, plant animal  interactions, palaegeography, dynamics, nutrient cycling, species richness, man's impact, and the possibilities for sustainable management. These themes will be treated in lectures following the assigned textbook (see below). In addition each theme will be dealt with through reading and discussions of original research papers and writing of a term paper and an oral presentation of the term paper by the students.

The course is given in English, unless all students are Danish speaking.

Text books
Whitmore, T.C. 1999. An introduction to Tropical Rainforests, 2 ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford (ISBN 019 850147).

