An autumn semester with teaching activities on campus

Aarhus University places a high priority on in-person teaching activities on campus. The university’s general policy is that this autumn’s teaching activities are to take place in person on campus, to the extent that this is compatible with health and safety considerations.

This autumn semester’s teaching activities at Aarhus University will proceed in accordance with Ministry of Higher Education and Science guidelines for the responsible reopening of higher education programmes (in Danish).

“We will give new students highest priority, so that they come in and have a chance to meet their teachers in person – and not least their fellow students. It’s difficult to establish good relationships at a distance, and because good relationships are important to the academic environment, they are important for learning. This also applies to returning students. For these reasons, our plan is for all students to have the opportunity to come to campus for classes – but only to the extent that health and safety considerations allow, as we’ve said,” Pro-rector Eika and Rector Bech Nielsen stress.

However, for some courses some teaching activities will have to take place online in any event. Students will be informed about this semester’s teaching activities individually through the usual channels.

At the moment, the rate of infection is increasing in Denmark, and particularly in Aarhus there are reasons for concern.

“We’re following developments closely, and will assess whether the situation warrants changes in this fall’s teaching activities,” say the pro-rector and rector.