The results of the 2022 university elections are in
There will be lots of new student representatives on councils, boards and committees as well as on the university board soon. The results of the 2022 university elections are in, and turnout is back at pre-Covid levels.

The results of the 2022 university elections are in, and the AU board will welcome two new student representatives as of 1 February. AU’s students elected geoscience student Thea Bonnemann and medical student Sofie Hillgaard Pedersen as their two new board reps. They are both from the Student Council and will replace Jonathan Rossen and Mikkel Grøne, who are stepping down after serving one and two years respectively. That Rossen and Grøne both ended their terms at the same time is due to a change in the university’s by-laws: whereas previously elections of the two student board reps were staggered, from this election onward both student representatives will be voted in at the same time and will serve their two-year terms concurrently. The major issues the two new board members focused in their campaigns were what they called ‘sensible digitalisation’ and student life on AU’s campuses.
In addition to the new student board members, new student representatives were elected to the faculties’ academic councils, the boards of studies and the PhD committees.
See the all the election results
18.47 per cent voted
There are university elections every year, but what offices are up for election and which groups are eligible to vote varies from year to year over a four-year cycle. This year only students and PhD students participated. Overall turnout was 18.47%.
Turnout in the last two elections was lower; last year, it was 14.76%. Compared to 2018, when the same election groups could vote for the same bodies, the turnout is virtually identical.
This year's results suggest that the student political associations have regained the ground lost during the pandemic years in terms of recruiting members and generating interest in student democracy.
14 contested elections out of 94 possible ones
There were 14 contested elections this year. There were significant differences in voter turnout across the university; the top scorer was a voter turnout of 48.2 per cent for the Political Science Board of Studies.
Fifty-seven elections were uncontested.
Nineteen elections were cancelled due to a lack of candidates. In these cases, no representatives were elected. Read more about uncontested elections and cancellation of elections at
Need more information?
Read more about the election at, or contact the Election Secretariat at