Civilingeniør (kandidat) Byggeri

Programme structure

Ved studiestart vælger du at specialisere dig inden for en af nedenstående studielinjer:

  • Infrastructures and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Innovative Structural Design
  • Building Science and Technology
  • Construction Management and Engineering

Til hver studielinje hører et bestemt antal kurser, som du kan se her nedenfor.

Udover de kurser, der hører til studielinjerne, kan du vælge en række valgfag. På 3. semester skal du have et 15 ECTS projektforløb inden for et emne, der vedrører studielinjen. På tredje semester vælger mange studerende at læse i udlandet på et andet universitet. Det sidste semester er specialesemesteret, hvor du vælger emne. Specialearbejdet kan være i samarbejde med en ekstern virksomhed.

Undervisningen veksler mellem forelæsninger og projektarbejde, og du lærer at arbejde med udvikling af projekter i tværfagligt samarbejde med arkitekter og designere samt at agere i en verden, hvor byggeriet er i konstant udvikling.

Study lines and elective courses

Infrastructures and Geotechnical Engineering - Summer intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (fall)

  • Structures I - Elements and Joints
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Structures (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Advanced Structural Dynamics
  • Bridge Design
  • Wave Loading on Offshore Structures
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Elective courses - Semester 2 (spring)

  • Structures II - Systems
  • Finite Element Analysis of Spatial Lightweight Structures
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  
  • Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics
  • Advanced Design of Concrete Structures
  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment

Elective courses - Semester 3 (fall)

  • Structures I - Elements and Joints
  • Advanced Concrete Technology (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Wave Propagation in Solids and Structures
  • Bridge Design
  • Modelling and Testing of Wind Turbines
  • Wave Loading on Offshore Structures
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Infrastructures and Geotechnical Engineering - Winter intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (spring)

  • Structural Dynamics
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)
  • Advanced Design of Concrete Structures

Elective courses - Semester 2 (fall)

  • Structures I - Elements and Joints
  • Advanced Structural Dynamics
  • Advanced Concrete Technology (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Bridge Design
  • Wave Loading on Offshore Structures
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Elective courses - Semester 3 (spring)

  • Structures II - Systems
  • Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics
  • Finite Element Analysis of Spatial Lightweight Structures

Structural Engineering - Summer intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (fall)

  • Computational Design and Constructability
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Structures (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Architectural Acoustics (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Bridge Design
  • Wave Loading on Offshore Structures
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Elective courses - Semester 2 (spring)

  • Formfinding in Building Design
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Advanced Material Technology
  • Advanced Design of Concrete Structures
  • Advanced Material and Structural Mechanics
  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)

Elective courses - Semester 3 (fall)

  • Generative Building Design
  • Integrated Facade Engineering II (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Advanced Concrete Technology (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Wave Propagation in Solids and Structures
  • Bridge Design
  • Modelling and Testing of Wind Turbines
  • Wave Loading on Offshore Structures
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Structural Engineering - Winter intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (spring)

  • Structural Dynamics (BSc)
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  
  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)

Elective courses - Semester 2 (fall)

  • Computational Design and Constructability
  • Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Structures (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Advanced Concrete Technology (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Architectural Acoustics (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Bridge Design
  • Wave Loading on Offshore Structures
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Elective courses - Semester 3 (spring)

  • Formfinding in Building Design
  • Structures II - Systems
  • Advanced Material and Structural Mechanics
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I

Innovative Structural Design - Summer intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (fall)

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Generative Building Design
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Structures (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Architectural Acoustics (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Elective courses - Semester 2 (spring)

  • Adaptable and Kinetic Structures
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics

Elective courses - Semester 3 (fall)

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Generative Building Design
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Integrated Facade Engineering II (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Structures (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Architectural Acoustics (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Innovative Structural Design - Winter intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (spring)

  • Adaptable and Kinetic Structures
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics

Elective courses - Semester 2 (fall)

  • Generative Building Design
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Integrated Facade Engineering II (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Structures (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Architectural Acoustics (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Elective courses - Semester 3 (spring)

  • Adaptable and Kinetic Structures
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics

Building Science and Technology - Summer intake

Elective courses - Semester 3 (fall)

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Grid-interactive Buildings (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Architectural Acoustics (Cancelled in fall semester 2024)
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment
  • Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Not conducted in 2024)

Building Science and Technology - Winter intake

Elective courses - Semester 3 (spring)

  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)
  • Formfinding in Building Design
  • Integrated Facade Engineering I
  • Natural Ventilation

Construction Management and Engineering - Summer intake

Elective courses - Semester 2 (spring)

  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction

Elective courses - Semester 3 (fall)

  • International Construction Law (summer course).
  • Risk, Reliability and Resilience of the Built Environment

Construction Management and Engineering - Winter intake

Elective courses - Semester 1 (spring)

  • International Construction Law (summer course).
  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  

Elective courses - Semester 3 (spring)

  • International Construction Law (summer course).
  • Systems Engineering (general)
  • Applied Innovation (general)
  • Digital Crafting - Robotic Manufacturing and Construction  

You may attend maximum 15 ECTS of bachelor level-courses during your master education as part of the elective courses. A bachelor level-course is typically to be used for entirely new topics, i.e. outside primary focus of your bachelor education, to ensure you fulfill the required academic prerequisites.

R&D Project

The R&D project is an open, independent, research-based work performed under research supervision. The project can be a “sister-project” to a master thesis, or an opportunity to explore an entirely different scientific area. The project can either be carried out in a research group at the university, or in collaboration with or carried out in a company. The main supervisor of the R&D project you make an agreement with yourself directly among the researchers at Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. A project can be of 10 or 15 ECTS, but a student can take maximum 15 ECTS in total.

The R&D project topic can be closely related to your master thesis topic, but the two projects must have different problem statements. In the master thesis, you can refer to your R&D work as you would cite any other research paper, yet be aware that you may not plagiarize your own R&D project text in the master thesis.


The thesis is prescribed to 30 ECTS. Find guidelines here:

Read more about the Master Thesis

and the Course description

Master´s contract

An individual agreement on the courses in your education is prepared and approved in your study contract.

Once you submit your proposal, your Head of Degree Programme may advice you and will eventually approve your courses:

Changes to an approved study programme can only be made prior to course registration, and the changed contract must once again be approved by your Head of Degree Programme.

Remember awareness of course’s academic prerequisites before listing courses in your contract, which is found in the individual course descriptions: Read more in the AU Course catalouge

Course registration and time tables

Course registration

Once your Master's contract is approved by the Head of degree programme, you must register for the upcomming semester courses at Course registration periods: (1) Autumn semester courses: 1 – 5 May, (2) Spring semester courses: 1 – 5 November, and (3) master programme study start.

Time tables

Find teaching schedules here: Timeplanner (

Find teaching schedules for

  • Specific courses
  • Your personal timetable, after course registration

Teaching schedules are available two weeks before semester start, for some courses earlier.

Student counselling

For questions on course registration, time tables or filling in the master’s contract template, contact your student counsellor:

Contact Student Counselling (

If you may need an exemption from regulations, or have personal matters impacting your studies, you can also contact your student counsellor or a student welfare counsellor.

Academic regulations

In the academic regulations, you can find more information about the structure of the degree programme, and the requirements for you as a student – including overall educational learning goals and study progression rules.

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First point of contact. Har du spørgsmål til uddannelsesregler, studieplaner, kursusvalg, dispensationer og personlige sager, der påvirker dit studie.


Ansvarlig for det faglige indhold af uddannelsen, inklusiv individuelle valgfagsprogram­sammensætning.


Kontaktperson i administrationen, inklusiv ved udfordringer med kursus- og eksamenstilmelding.