Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming

Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming

This course will cover a number of aspects of object-orientation that have
not been covered by dProg2 and dSA. We will primarily focus on object-oriented
programming languages. The main features and differences between object-oriented
languages such as Simula, Smalltalk, C++, CLOS, Eiffel, Beta, Java and Self will
be treated. Special emphasis will be given to Self.

Besides programming languages other elements of object-oriented development
and software engineering will be included. Possible subjects are
"object-oriented analysis, design and implementation",
"databases", "components and distribution", "patterns
and frameworks" and "software architecture".

Part of the course will be a practical project carried out in Self. The
projects should illustate various aspects of object-orientation and the result
of the project should be a report discussing the experience.



Mads Torgersen and Ole Lehrmann Madsen



dProg2 and dSA or equivalent courses



Course notes and articles


Course Language




2 points/10 ECTS