B27 Molecular Photophysics

B27 Molecular Photophysics

This is an introductory course on photophysics, as applied
principally to organic molecules. Although some photochemistry will be discussed (i.e., processes in which bonds are made and/or broken), we will focus on the physical processes that compete with the chemical reactions. Experimental techniques used to monitor photophysical processes will also be discussed.


"Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry", A. Gilbert and J. Baggott, CRC Press, 1991. Supplementary reading material will also be supplied.


6 hours per week. In the early part of the semester, the instructor will deliver lectures. In the latter part of the semester, each participant will deliver a seminar on a topic of his/her choice. Each participant will also submit a short paper on this same topic.


Basic Physical Chemistry (Kemi 21 and 22), basic Organic Chemistry (Kemi 12), and Calculus (Mat a).


Pass/fail, based on the paper and seminar.


Peter R. Ogilby.


2 points, fall term.


Course will not be offered if less than 5 students enroll.